well, im looking for an active guild for a 4 star like myself, since all of my guilds had only 1 person online at a time.
my ign is rankerfire
well, im looking for an active guild for a 4 star like myself, since all of my guilds had only 1 person online at a time.
my ign is rankerfire
Howdy! We got just what you need!
Sounds like you are looking for a promising and skilled guild. So...
Go and join Knights and Day! We give away free stuff frequently, go on boss runs and other guild members help others. We are very active and would love for you to join. Please reffer to the Knights and Day thread for more details. Have a warm welcome to KaD! Please click on this link for a shortcut. http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/12099
Hi Rankerfire,
Tier Zero is an new guild formed by an experienced group of Spiral Knights veterans. All members have Tier 3 clearance and most of us have 5* sets. Our main goals are establishing a skilled Lockdown team as well as regularly running Firestorm Citadel and the Jelly Palace. I'd love to help you take your game to the next level. If you're intelligent and mature, you will fit in perfectly.
I will send you a message in-game for your convenience. Thanks for your consideration!
I was so happy that we would be having a new member...
You are very welcome Ranker! Glad to have you on board! :D
My IGN is Granck,
As a member of an excellent guild, I recommend you to join Knights and Day.
Link: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/12099
See you around.
Granck, (yes I know it says Granckatron, but WHO CARES)