
Did you sell the plate mail with max freeze?

Lowered the prices! Need to dispose them all.

I like it how you never gave away the Skolver coat for that movie. XD
I'll probably buy something offf yOu later, have fun in life.

No one gave me the movie correctly, sadly.
If someone still knows about it i'll be happy to give the Skolver Coat away.

Oh wow, I really thought one of those would have been it. Good luck finding it. :)
Oh, and we were decent friends. Want to give anythin to me? XD JK lol, feel free to though. XD
Nice emoji btw.
I'm so tempted to buy the Valkyrie and/or Valiance, but then I'll be broke. :(
I'll buy SOMETHING though. Even if it's a Brimstone.

LOL glad you can see the emoji. You on a Mac?
In other news: Barbarous Thorn Blade SOLD!

Nope, on my IPod/Phone. Good to know I'm not the only Emoji user.
But I soon will be, as I see few using them, and you are leaving. Nice ™ and ü as well. XD
Why don't you say this for stuff?
Sold [Item]
And instead of bump: (They are baddddddd)
That ?
Anyway though, sen my bud a FR on Steam (Assuming you have steam.)
Steam: Snakeclock
Farewell, have fun.
I'll hope to see you around sometime.

Bye Eggboy
I'll miss you.
(Free bump)

Can i haz your red chap to remember our friendship by?
*Cough *Cough

um..if you're retiring where is all your cr/ce going and why bother selling, instead of raffling?

Noted. Thank you!
ALL: In case you get confused regarding the Auction End times, I'm on GMT +8 Timezone (and those times are the ones showing in my browser the time the starting bids were made)

Ingame bids on:
- Fang of Vog
- Gran Faust
- Valiance

FoV ending soon. Make your bids count!

Less than 8 hours before FoV auction ends!

About 5 hours left for Fang of Vog!

Less than 4 hours left for Fang of Vog CTR Medium.
Also taking offers on Autogun CTR VH.

Last hour for Fang of Vog CTR Medium! C/O 5.7k CE
Bid now!

Last 3 minutes before FoV auction ends.

★★★★★ Crest of Almire sold ingame! (see first post for sale reference)
Fang of Vog is technically sold, i'm just waiting for Mbcscp to go online.

Are you just gonna stop merchanting or are you actually quitting O.o

I'm taking a really long break. And i'm never a merchant in the first place.

2 hours left for Gran Faust and Valiance!
Make your bid count.

★★★★★ Gran Faust (ASI Medium)
★★★★★ Valiance (Fiend Damage Very High)

I will offer 3k CE for the Autogun High CTR + Low Slime, if you want to consider it

:( well hopefully you'll come back after a short break :D

@Trabado: The start bids are clearly stated in the post. Sorry.
@Cob: Don't worry ol' buddy.

Autogun (CTR High + Slime Low) auction STARTED!
Bid now!
Added FoV