Veroldin's Bazaar (CLOSED)

Hi, I buy Sealed Sword CTR med 3kce
IGN: Angelsdemons

I can sell the DA but i need the 4k ce upfront because i dont have the unbind money D: (it also has CTR : Low o=)

i iz so incredibly dissappoint.
i had just smashed out a message iin nerdy glee at the prospect of buying ur pulsar....then i saw it was WTB not WTS :(

OMG. Black Chap. OMG.
I know I'll be outbid, but 10k CE o start it.
Edit: Not a autionc lol, but 12k CE to top the C/O.

Sealed Sword - CTR: High ~ b/o 8k CE c/o 4k CE
I will offer 5k CE for the this sealed sword.
When will this auction end?
IGN: Mythriltides

I will offer 5.3k CE for the this sealed sword.
When will this auction end?
IGN: Mythriltides
Got sealed sword for sale if still interested.

Ash Tail Cap - Normal: Maximum! + Low Shock ~ b/o 20k CE c/o 8k CE
8.25k CE
IGN: Mbcscp
I have to retract my bid.. did a shopping spree and left with 2k+ ce only..
My apologies for any inconvenice caused..

Acheron - ASI: Very High ~ B/O 16k CE | C/O None
10k CE
IGN: Mbcscp

you still have ? > Ash Tail Cap - Normal: Maximum! + Low Shock ~ b/o 20k CE c/o 8k CE
if so 8.5k CE
IGN: Mbcscp

No, these aren't auctions. But feel free to make an offer I can consider.

Since you don't have a price, I won't risk insulting you with an offer. I've noticed that some players (like Lepreal) get easily offended if they think the offer is too low. Please mail me your price range.
Professional Lowballer right there =))
Still have the things you are looking for P.L. =)) Bumping for veroldin.

This is not a bump. I just wanted to say hi to everyone :D

Good doing business with. Love the hat. :)
8k ce for the radiant silvermail
IGN: <------
After a week, still 10kce on the vog cap elem max :)

I would love to have that Twisted Snarble Barb but I'm not even near the price you are asking for it

@ Lepreal
I don't even remember who offered that. Was it you?
lets talk in game please