Well crap. Decided to start making a Divine Mantle so I could have Shadow resistance..... but then after I got to MIRACLE CLOAK.....I noticed that the Divine Veil has Damage Bonus vs. Fiends: Medium......and now I'm kinda ticked. Why doesn't the Mantle have anything special? Like seriously....99% of the time the armor and helmet are the exact same except in slot and appearence. This is the only item I've seen so far that isn't the same as it's matching body armor. I'm kinda stuck here seeing as my Miracle Cloak has no UV, so it will be hard to sell, AND I'm out of money to use on CE, I spent a total of like 600 CE and 4000 crowns just making that, plus the mist and CE spent on leveling it up.
I would love for a GM to discuss this with me, I'm pretty unhappy about this.
If it will never be changed however..... I'll be selling my Miracle Cloak for 2000 CE. Anyone interested?
Mad Bomber.
Well at least you got to Miracle Cloak only... you still saved 800 energy.
Or... you can finish the entire set and look cool...