According to the wiki, UV levels have an assigned value, with a max value of 6. For example, a UV with medium is a 2. My question is that with a vog cub set at level 10, ASI medium appears four times, two on each armor piece. So does that mean ASI has already exceeded max level by 2 points?
Unique variant levels?
Mon, 10/03/2011 - 19:17

Mon, 10/03/2011 - 19:30

Ah, didn't know that. That's
Ah, didn't know that. That's helpful, thanks~
Tue, 10/04/2011 - 08:05

The appearing twice is a
The appearing twice is a glitch. I have been getting that ever since the last update.
You can see you total by looking in your Character window and looking at the Sword icon at the bottom of the window. That one adds up the effects of all of you gear on the weapon and should read ASI Very High if you are using a Vog Set (unless you have UV ASI on your sword or ASI from modules).
Thu, 10/06/2011 - 22:09

However, if you WOULD take 2
However, if you WOULD take 2 times an ASI Trinker you got 8 what doesnt exist, so you get decreased at 6 (max).
Each Vog actually has only (one) Sword ASI Medium. So 2 vogs equals a level of 4.
You can confirm this by previewing your character and mousing over one of your swords below your character. It will just be Sword ASI Very High.