i was just wondering?
is the wolver set good?
thats its up to you, wolver set have good defence agaisnt normal and piercing so will be helpful agaisnt those wolvers and other annoying enemies :P, also give health bonus and low sword damage that its good if you have plans to be a swordman, that set + bristling bucker will give you decent sword damage. but as i said its up to you if you want to use that set. was the first armor i get when i started to play a long ago and that armor really last very well on every level. but also depends in you on how skillful you are in battle. good luck!
It all depends if you want to be a swordsman and you like the effects, because then it is widely popular with a of people. I'm half skolver, half vog, and I am a swordsman. If you have any more questions, just go the swordsmaster guide in the wiki
'grats on the find, enjoy your ban.