Item preview?

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Magnonite's picture

Hello all Knights, i would like to suggest a "Item Preview", to see how your Knight will be with set X or set Y, like Lunia for example, since the image of itens are just cartoons and don't show how the item really is.


Legacy Username
I would love this as well.

I would love this as well. Not to mention, I'm sure there are quite of a few dudes out there who have been horrified when they put on a new helmet only to discover that it has... pigtails.

Magnonite's picture
Yeah, you get excited about

Yeah, you get excited about the status, better then yours, you buy the item but when you wear it you see the item is not what you were expecting...

Of just showing the real image would be great!, in 3D or even in 2D!

Legacy Username
Thankfully, there's the

Thankfully, there's the costume slot so you can rock whatever look you want, regardless of what armor you actually have equipped. But it would still be nice to preview armor/weapons before buying them. I'd also really like to have the option to target someone and see what they have equipped (so I can judge them, of course).

Legacy Username
Being able to inspect other

Being able to inspect other players would be pretty nice.

Magnonite's picture
Indeed!! Hope the Dev's see

Hope the Dev's see this topic

Boswick's picture
Dressing rooms

Yeah, this one is on our radar too. I think it's especially important to have in Spiral Knights, because your character really kinda IS your armor and helmet.

It's not a top priority, but I think this is something that everyone on the team would like to get in.

Legacy Username
I'd like to post a sort of

I'd like to post a sort of side-idea related to this here:

When creating a character, let people pick between male and female, and this toggles whether the pigtails show or not for the helms that have them. Since they are connected to the main part of helm by only a single vertex, you wouldn't need to change the look of the helm at all. I'm sure the ones that have them would look just fine without them too.

Legacy Username
I kind of like being

I kind of like being genderless, actually. I think the helmets should just all be androgynous. For the ones with pigtails, just remove one pigtail and move the other to the center, changing it into a plume:

Of course, there is the other point that you can just wear a different helmet in the costume slot.