Ah yes it only took a couple short months for my predictions to be right. I join this game after quitting TF2 and I went wow this is great and here I am, doing this crap again. Crates..... crates, welp just like in TF2 time to try opening a crate and find something as worthless as a ball of heat or maybe I'll get a Stout Shako and sell it for 2 refined, what's Stout Shako? Well you'll all learn soon enough. And no instead of fixing stuff and weapon balances get enjoy new hats and glasses for your knights. Enjoy Team Fortress Hat Accessory Simulator Spiral Knights 2.
In before rage at me cause you people didn't already see this happen months ago.
I wouldn't start raging just yet. Spiral Knights never had an inventory space limit, so I could sit on 2000 crates and not care. Not the same with TF2.