Recently, I have been reading a LOT of rants of how the accessories are so damn expensive, and how keys are also this way. I don't argue with you, but I want to shed some light on this matter. First and foremost, we have to identify the audience of this new System: the veteran players. Simple as that. People who have played SK for a while, who have grinded in FSC for hundreds of times, have now nothing else to do in game. My point is that OOO decided that they wanted to keep these players who think about quitting by allowing them the chance to accessorize. This means that OOO believes that by putting this system that these players would a)buy ce, since they already know the works of this game b) do some more heavy grinding. I also believe that they made the prices of acquiring keys so high because only veteran players can acquire lots of crowns through grinding, whereas newbies don't make as much. So, now you know a little bit more about the accessory system. I am only trying to shed some light in this matter, so feel free to agree or disagree with me.
I also want to point out something. If, and just if, the prices of keys went down, here's what might happen: 1) people will buy crap loads more ce
2) the price of ce will go up 3) people will complain. It's all about economics. The main argument about these keys is that its almost the price of getting a 5* item. I don't disagree with people that say this is way too high. However, I already pointed out what's going to happen if ce prices of keys went down. However, this also might happen: 1) people will buy more ce with real money 2) more ce in the market 3) prices of ce will go down. So I am totally unsure about this actually happening, but I'm just putting this idea out there.
So now, if you are a newbie and is ranting about this matter, please don't. The only input that will matter is from the people who are considered the veterans of this game.
"First and foremost, we have to identify the audience of this new System: the veteran players. Simple as that."
It's not even close to as simple as that. You don't rework and entire equipment system for 20-30% of the players. The veteran players don't want cat ears, they want new levels, new stratum, new bosses. This is/should be for everybody and they made these keys a little tough to get.
"1) people will buy crap loads more ce
2) the price of ce will go up
3) people will complain. It's all about economics.
1) people will buy more ce with real money
2) more ce in the market
3) prices of ce will go down."
So which is it? Like you said, its all about economics. If you have people not able to get enough CE to spend on something they want, then there is no economy. Bring them down, If kids can get a couple accessories for their 2.50$ worth of CE they would be happier, more CE purchases, more flow of CE/Cr, more economy.
"So now, if you are a newbie and is ranting about this matter, please don't. The only input that will matter is from the people who are considered the veterans of this game."
No, no, no, a thousand times no. If your new and you don't to pay real money, and OOO puts out this awesome new update that you have little to no chance to participate in, then by all means, rant. Albeit, keep to to one thread, show your support for the change, but don't be quiet if something bothers you about the game. You're not in the minority. A lot of people agree that the keys should be cheaper (or drop in CW). And if, OP, if you ever start a business where you only listen to the input of your "veteran" customers, you will fail. This isn't a game for super elite gamers. This is a F2P MMO that everyone should be able to enjoy, and OOO put the keys out of grasp of the majority of their customers.
That my 3 cents.