Hey viewers of the forum
This is Kymroi
I'm guessing most of you don't know me, but I don't really care
In the next few days I am going to be making a comprehensive list of people love/hate about sk, and what we could do to change them
If you guys want the developers to listen, you have to mob up, make a big thread that catches their attention
They're probably gonna read the thread that has 100 posts rather than one with like 4
So I need YOUR help
Anything that comes to mind
Just spew out all of your thoughts on the game here
Heres a basic list of what you could talk about
Equipment-Swords, Guns, Bombs, Charges, Heat, Armor, Shields, Helmets
Dungeons-Maps, The Core, Drops
Towns-Vendors, The Arcade System, Elevators/prices
Energy-anything really, dont forget about the market!
Crafting-Prices, Materials, Recipes
Crowns-Prices, Player driven economies, vendor driven economies, crafting driven economies
This is just what I could think of, now its up to you to fill it out
Keep it to one post per person
Edit your posts if you want to change anything
And post an
*Edited, (date), (reason)*
at the bottom so I know why
Thanks guys!
Just so you know, the developpers post here often and they read pretty much every thread. They have already implemented features that have been suggested on the forums.
But I guess this can't hurt. I don't know.