Let's talk about bombs

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Sadiekate's picture

Bombs have me stumped. Bombs are different than swords and handguns, because you can charge them at level 1. You have to charge them at level 1. If you take any damage from anything, you have to start charging again. Then, you have to place them. Then, you have to wait for the time on the bomb to count down. Then it blows up. Meanwhile, whatever you were trying to blown up has either run away or eaten you.

I can accept that getting to do damage comes with skill, but having to charge a level 1 weapon when you actually *can't* charge hand guns or swords is not intuitive.

Legacy Username
Seen this

I've grouped with a two people who thought their bombs weren't working because they didn't know to charge it.

I'd like to see bombs charge on their own. As it stands, you should be charging one at all times to get the most use out of it, but it's obnoxious to hold down the button and to glow all the time. Changing it to a cooldown would solve both problems.

Legacy Username
Maybe it's my imagination,

Maybe it's my imagination, but bomb charge time seems to have improved during the past couple of days. I can't recall how long it took to charge bombs during the previous tests, but it seems to me they were once easier to use successfully than they are now.

Legacy Username
My bomb charge time

My bomb charge time definitely decreased, but I thought it was because I maxed it out or something. Yeah, definitely easier to hit with now.

Nick's picture
I reduced the charge time and

I reduced the charge time and damage for all bombs. Trying to find that sweet spot where you don't have to wait forever, but they're not overpowered. Feedback is very appreciated!

Legacy Username
For what exactly are you

For what exactly are you looking? Do you want bomb strength and ease of use to be on par with swords/guns or lesser than those. Right now, crystal bombs are much less effective than even my level 1 sword--and still less compared to higher level weaponry. Sometimes they help if you are with a partner or in a tight place you can't take good aim. I would prefer crystal bombs be a little bit stronger or that they are able to be placed without charging.

Legacy Username
I'm liking that cooldown

I'm liking that cooldown idea. I think it would make me use bombs more often than I do now.

Maybe make it so that you can drop them instantly but could only have one bomb out at a time?

Legacy Username
In earlier alphas, it was 3

In earlier alphas, it was 3 out at a time, and that seemed to work well. What about having 3 normal strength bombs out at once (no charge time) or 1 supercharged bomb out at once?

Shoebox's picture
I think the bomb's lengthy

I think the bomb's lengthy charges are just in place because they get upgraded with charge speed and such.

They're not designed to be main weapons anyway, I think because so many people abused the crap out of them in the previous alphas they had to change them up so people didn't just use bombs in later depths.
Which is a fair go on their part, since they put all that effort into making other weapons.

But I haven't really had a chance to test out bombs properly because I don't have any energy or crowns ;-;

Legacy Username
>abused the crap out of

>abused the crap out of them

Heheheh, Gravibombs...

Legacy Username
>abused the crap out of

> >abused the crap out of them
>Heheheh, Gravibombs...


On the topic, what if bombs had a quick attack? Instead of changing the way bombs work (which I quite like) you could add some additional functionality. Some brainstorm ideas:

- drop a tiny bomb instantly with a small explosion radius
- pick up a low-power bomb that you could toss a short distance
- instantly explode around your knight with no damage, but some knockback

Whatever we do, I think it's crucial that bombs become more intuitive before launch.

Legacy Username
I think its fine

With Lv10 bombs and actual bomb gear I think the charge time is quite acceptable; I just wish the status bombs had a larger radius.

Right now I have
Spiral Demo Helm
Spiral Demo Armor
Swiftstrike buckler (useless for bombs though)
Boom trinkets (Low bomb damage+)

Then an assortment of bombs:

Already have one heavy gear to upgrade my spiral demo helm soon, just need another for the 4* armor.

Legacy Username
Been using bombs in a third

Been using bombs in a third weapon slot for a week or two. Right now it feels like swords are critical to have, guns are critical to have and bombs are fun to play with if you're just messing around and not in much danger.

I'd almost like to see a return to fewer bombs with higher damage. Something that is difficult to pull off, but absolutely devastating to enemies if you do.

The vaporizers are also useless at the moment, though this is tied in to statuses in general. I have a level 9 fire vaporizer, and even though it does the best status effect, it's as risky to use as a sword with much less effect. Even if I can lay it down and get enemies in the fairly small area of effect, it feels like there's only a 1/3 - 1/2 chance that they'll actually catch on fire.

Legacy Username

I just started using a freeze vaporizer expecting some fantastic results.
Then I found out how small the area is with ALSO mediocre damage and a %chance=/=100%.
I expected it to get better when I got it to lvl 10, but no. The area should be proportional to the level imo.

Also, monsters that "dodge" can dodge while frozen, which makes the status quite useless.

Legacy Username
Just make it so you can place

Just make it so you can place them without having to charge, but make the blast radius be small and increase the longer you charge, and when it's fully charged the blast radius is at it's fullest. That way you can place them whenever you want but there's no risk of them being OP.

Legacy Username
What I want is for bombs to

What I want is for bombs to be placed as soon as they are charged, without having to release the mouse button. You just place it and immediately begin charging a new one.

When the game gets a bit laggy, sometimes i will skip a few frames and then suddenly see i'm standing there with a fully charged bomb in my hands, doing nothing and being useless. My charge speed items are going to waste.

Putting the bomb exactly where you want it would require good timing, but placing bombs as fast as you can already requires good timing (and no lag spikes).

Or perhaps this could be added as a toggle in the options, so people who want to run around with charged bombs still can.

I also rather like kojiden's idea.

Legacy Username
> Just make it so you can

> Just make it so you can place them without having to charge, but make the blast radius be small and increase the longer you charge, and when it's fully charged the blast radius is at it's fullest. That way you can place them whenever you want but there's no risk of them being OP.

Ditto, I really like this idea.

Also, I have to disagree with those saying that bombs need to be stronger. I'm still afraid they might be too powerful in solo play and with well coordinated groups. In all but the nastiest encounters I can still solo kite large groups and stay almost totally out of harms way.

Pauling's picture
Damage comparison. Advantage: twigs.

Kojiden's suggestion per bombs is pretty much exactly how they used to work in a previous beta test... hopefully we'll see a return to that. :)

And agreed, I'd like to see bombs made a bit stronger- currently, they're immensely unattractive compared to, say, a charged attack with a sword. (which also deals damage to many enemies at once... except that it deals far more damage, with better control) The advantage of bombs is that they can deal damage even while you're shielded (which makes them invaluable for fighting, say, shield gremlins)- but that damage is much less than a moderately good sword (the brandish), and since each bomb takes longer than a sword to charge, the fight becomes a slow grind. I'd like bombs to feel a bit "snappier" and make the fight more dynamic; allowing me to place micro-explosions instantly would help with that.

* Damage comparison: A brandish sword can deal 50-100 damage in one UNCHARGED hit, with three hits back-to-back in a few seconds and the potential to hit multiple enemies at once for full damage. A charged blast bomb (which has a *higher* star rating than the brandish) requires a long wait to charge before using, careful placement, and usually deals... 30-40 damage? For a *charged* hit? It's really quite underwhelming.

(Since we're talking about dealing damage without being hit in return, perhaps it would be better to compare to a ranged weapon. My 3-star blaster deals 100+ damage in a charged hit, and ~25 per shot, with three shots in quick succession. And I don't have to worry about hiding inside a weakening shield to lure my enemies to the blast radius. Again: bombs lose out)

Legacy Username
I made a more in-depth post

I made a more in-depth post on a new topic with a more realistic suggestion as well as a list of all bomb armor/bombs; going to be adding some testing data to it in the next few days.