Soo Just started the game and im aiming to be a gunslinger what equipment do you recommend me btw i like guns like the auto gun
Aiming To Be Gunslinger
yeah but Gunslinger set is freaking expensive and i dont even know how to get so much money :/
You have to try grinding for it. :(
Doing some Snarbolax runs is a good way to start getting some crowns to buy your needed recipes/weaponry. (From my experience at least.) Arenas are awesome too.(Again, from experience. =P) It shouldn't take you too long though. :)
As you are a beginner, you should aim for a 2* armor first. As the Gunslinger armor only start at 3*, you could take a general purpose armor, like the Cobalt one, or something that you would use later as a back up armor, like the Magic one (Divine, its 5* version, is very good and very popular).
Same goes for gun. As Four-Eyes, I would advise for an elemental and another type.
For the elemental, as you can't have the pulsar yet, you only have one choice : an alchemer (you have the choice between fire, freeze, shock or no status).
For the second gun, you should take another damage type. As you don't have access to 3* or to boss token rewards, the only choice is a Shadowtech Alchemer, which do shadow damage.
In the end it will be useful, as you should have each 3 types of damage and, if you only use 2 weapon slots, you should switch against expected monster. I advise you to get a Magnus to cover piercing very fast, as monsters weak to piercing are also the one which will dodge as hell your alchemers.
Also, when you get to T2 , you will earn around 6k per day if you do runs on your Mist Energy. By doing that you should get Gunslinger set pretty fast (for crafting use 100CE and 100 Mist Energy, it will save you a lot of money and time). Also it would be probably best to buy your 2* guns/cobalt from AH for about 2k.
For starters get a blaster and test it out.I don't got a blaster since I like the alchemer lines or auto gun kinds.
There's no dedicated gunslinger armor below 3*. It's kind of irritating, because swordsmen and bombers can pick up 2* armor that gives them bonuses. So for 2*, pick up whatever you can get for armor. All the piercing guns are 3* as well. The better upgraded autoguns (which you said you like), are piercing, so you may want one, but until you can afford 3* stuff the only way you can cover your bases damage wise is with a Shadowtech Alchemer (shadow) + another Alchemer (all of them elemental, three deal status ailments and one does a bit more damage), like Fradow said. Then, well, head down and grind. You'll start earning enough money to get decent gear pretty quick; this isn't a hard game to get into, thankfully.
EDIT: Oh, and don't bother with the Blaster. As a dedicated gunner, you want to be using damage your enemies are weak against as much as possible. Nothing's weak to Normal. Nothing resists it, either, but if you're carrying at least two guns of different (non-normal) damage, you don't have to worry about that anyway.
xD i Dont have Mist Energy,how to get em back?
Yeah I love firing speed of autoguns but can we move while shooting with them?
Wait. It'll regen to 100 over the course of about a day.
As a gunner, since i started playing i would get a blaster or a element gun like alchemer ( I would pick freeze because it helps alot in tier 3 with the Vanaduke boss and lvls) but since ur a beginner i would do one sword and one gun. Because in tier 1 and 2 i think guns doesnt do enuf dmg and doesnt help a lot. So i would get a nightblade ( for tier 2 against jelly king) and cyro alchemer. But you can get a calibur or blaster. And i would get my weapons upgraded before my armor.
No, you can't move while firing any of the autogun line. Makes them a bit tricky to use, yes.
Okay So I got a fyrotech alchemer and a pummel gun is it good? :P
Pummel gun is not good, drop it. It is 1*, doesn't upgrade and do normal damage. That's 3 reasons to not buy it ever.
Take a shadowtech alchemer as a second gun for now if you want to be a pure gunslinger and have only 2 weapon slots.
Thanks You Sir
*Loves The Spiral Knights Community,Always Helpful*
You could try going around with the cyclops helmet but since you are new i dont think you would have the skill to stay alive using a 0*helm
Owlite is probably the best choice. It has elemental defence that protects you from gun puppies and other monsters with ranged attacks. I also heard it's one of the best endgame shields.
All I did was look at your title.
My response is (personally): DON'T. Bombers can do most of the same status effects, but bombers... are better. Gunners were nerfed a while back.
"All I did was look at your title.
My response is (personally): DON'T. Bombers can do most of the same status effects, but bombers... are better. Gunners were nerfed a while back."
Meh, being able to attack from a distance in exchange for weaker strength sounds pretty fair in my opinion. Bombs also take a while to charge up.(Unless of course you pick up the bomber armor.)
They're really two completely different play styles.
No! Do be a gunner! They are always the last ones alive, and in order to beat vanaduke you almost HAVE to use guns. AlsO, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I hear that a level 10 callahan deals the same damage as a final flourish in lockdown. Is this true??
Also, I'm not speaking from experience again so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if he wants to have an auto gun, then it looks like he's going to be a charge time reduction gunner. A charge time reduction gunner would usually go for a blitz needle, an elemental alchemer, and a shadowtech alchemer (but then again, a biohazard revolves around it's charge attack, so i'm not to sure) about this.
Danthemanthelevita : Gunners get buffed with the Trinket update and Nova driver buff.....and bomber has great issues with DMG uvs becouse the only viable bombs are Nitronome, DBB and radiant sun shard..(Pure dmg bombs)
Try a nova driver and umba driver if you want to do insane dmg >.<
It takes a bit of maturity to realize that big numbers and flashy explosions aren't everything.
Gunners trade off burst damage for:
1. safety and mobility
2. continuous damage
3. overall higher single target DPS
And when did gunners get nerfed? They always played like this.
I think your example, BOMBERS, are the ones who were nerfed. (Remember when they could put down three small bombs in a bomberman style? Yeah, that was awesome.)
Gunners not only have higherst single target damage ... ow man D: This becomes so a crappy thread with many many flames so ...
@ ot: add me ingame for practicing and get good tips. I'm a Master Gunslinger with atm 17 different guns xP I use guns and sometime bombs but never swords (they suck for us :P). I can also build you every gun you wish, just gimme the materials, crowns and energy, so you still saved the cost for the recipes ^^ if it has an UV -> lucky for you, wont have more for this :P
so just add me and pm me :) Abathur is my name. I think i can help you much with becoming a good gunslinger. btw. where are you from? whats your main language if its not english? :)
greez - Abathur
Personally, I like the blaster series. Shoot twice, pause for a brief moment, then repeat; keeps me alive, and in certain situations I can do more damage with it then with a sword.
Yo yo, imma new knight :)
I spent all my energies and I got 3.4k crowns. After trying out fighting with sword and gun I think I like to play as a range so I decided to be a pure gunslinger with 2 slots. But I am not certain on what equipment I should get.
After reading some threads my goals now is to get these equipment. Are they ok?
a) gunslinger hat
b) gunslinger sash
c) shadowtech alchemer
d) blaster
The hat is around 7k-18k so i think i will be getting either a blaster or a shadowtech alchemer first which are around 1-2k each. Is this ok?
It's mostly correct, except the blaster.
Blaster is normal damage, and as such, shouldn't be used by a pure gunslinger, because specialized damage weapons do more damage (the only exception is Vanaduke mask phase, and even then you can use other weapons. And you are not quite there).
What you want is one gun of each type (shadow, elemental and piercing) and take 2 according the strata, to always have bonus damage (or at least normal).
If you are going to have only 2 guns, the magnus, as piercing, is recommended, as its bullet are very quick (almost instant) so it makes a good counter-measure to dodging enemies (which are weak or neutral to piercing). The second one can be either shadow or elemental, but, in most case, i would advise to take elemental over shadow : targets weak to shadow are slimes (which can be dealed with an elemental gun with no problem) and gremlins (which dodge, and thus can be taken down by a magnus).
But again, doing 3 guns and taking 2 according the strata is even better, even if you are on a budget.
For start you should get a Gunslinger Sash and Hat. Also buy 2 guns that are specialized in one type of damage, I would recommend elemental/piercing or elemental/shadow. That way you will have high damage against 4 types of enemies and normal damage against 2.