Title says all.
2 auras is not enough.
unless there is one and i was not informed....*cough*Boswick*cough* ¬_¬
Edit: Moved to suggestions. lol wrong place sorry guys ^^
Title says all.
2 auras is not enough.
unless there is one and i was not informed....*cough*Boswick*cough* ¬_¬
Edit: Moved to suggestions. lol wrong place sorry guys ^^
There are more than two kinds of auras out there.
Can anyone link me to how an aura looks ?
A Love/Heart Aura would be adorable ^^
I want a flaming Aura... but I could never afford that, even if I am the creator of the Clockworks.
I want a flaming Aura... but I could never afford that, even if I am the creator of the Clockworks.
Thanks for confirmation! and Hi nick!
We need to find those auras. Ans sorry I saw a post about only 2 auras and reacted without thinking lol sorry
I've heard there are either four or five auras in all. I've only actually seen the ghost and twinkle, though.
Also @madadder Please do not link that video, someone took it without permission but that site seems to lack a video report feature. >_<
Can anyone link me to how an aura looks ?
Is this okay?
I seriously hope there is an aura that reuses the FSC sprites/water swirly green magical thingies
So I finally can make my ancient armor look cool.
There are 4 so far:
- "hot" (Probably a fiery one)
- "shadow" (Ghostly)
- "sparkles" (Twinkle)
- "stinkyknight" (I'm serious)
since i didnt want to make a new topic but are there any wing type accessories like i dont care if its angel wings or pixy wings or butter fly wings ... or even if its the strange lil snipe marry go round wing blades i was just wondering if there were and if there are if any one has a pic they can show?
Twinkle and Ghost Auras are like the Confetti and Massed Flies of TF2 Unusuals.
Twinkle and Ghost Auras are like the Confetti and Massed Flies of TF2 Unusuals.
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