Then others will take advantage of the forums and start swearing and cursing
I bring order to the forums :D
wise oakgear

but by swearing and insulting at everyone who disagrees with u in this thread, u'll only bring more spammers, trolls, flamers, and the such like into this thread to scream at each other. it'll only cause more chaos.

That post left me lost in a sea of absolute incoherence which I can't even fully express into words. I feel as though I may be left in a state of perpetual confusion for the rest of my life, never to be able to hope for a single understanding of logical reason again.
I congratulate you, sir. Well played
VVV @Lord VVV addressed to the first post on this page.

was that adressed to me? or oakgear?

I'm obviously the wise one...
not jk...
maybe jk

ROFL I loved reading this XD So not only do we now know about your other alt. Sir-Shadem but you've made a complete fool of yourself. stop overreacting. Everything is fine. But you should also really watch your language. No one deserves your rage because YOU created a post in honor of yourself. Give it up. Sir-Shade double posted like you ALWAYS do. He also
Like you always do. I'm not trying to make you mad. But it's obvious. So let this troll thread die.
And please don't insult me again. You'll find that I am very kind, but I also do not like to see you be rude to others. I have commented on several threads regarding your incredibly rude behavior. I'm asking you again to be mature.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt

I'll tell you all a final time that sunder isn't my alt I mean really, what kind of person do you people think I am? Obviously gonna be some troll answers
I'll explain the reason for the smile in another post

As the last post for this thread I will explain why I posted on this thing when I found it (I didn't start it)
Has anyone heard:
"Any publicity, is GOOD publicity"
So when I found this I just couldn't let such as large opportunity slip away
Of course I was just starting out to becoming someone hmm... should I say "common" on the forums
This just skyrocketed my name across the GD
I am wise, but in a devious way
I also thank you posters, now I have haters and fans (something that every commoner needs)
And I finish with a laugh...
But I don't have a mic to record it with

Stop bumping this because of you have a one-man fan club. God please let this die.

look up fanfiction* that is mine whatis a alt anyways? and lots of people use like and this! why wont anyone believe me!
*its literalery fanfiction

Have you read any of the posts besides the first?
Don't post after this I'm actually done with this thread it looks like it reached it's peek

im not typing like in sentences cause im doing this with my wii well thank all of you for your comments! (most of which i didnt like) also this my longest thread yet well now im waiting for this to get off the front page and a GM to lock it