*points to announcements forum*
It doesn't say much :p
What kind of monster type levels do you think it'll be?
I'm putting my guess on fiend :)
*points to announcements forum*
It doesn't say much :p
What kind of monster type levels do you think it'll be?
I'm putting my guess on fiend :)
I'm very interested in this. Some extra "truly fearsome Tier 3 content" is a welcome challenge. I'll be off sharpening my sword.
They'd be releasing new levels or something of the sort for T3 that were really challenging. He mentioned 5* gear too; these zones are probably not bosses. Just difficult floors, hopefully with rewards and originality.
Ah, I completely forgot we had levels that only appeared in certain stratum. So it's probably like Dark City & Concrete Blvd then, but T3 only.. *changes topic*
It better be a boss stratum or at least a set of levels that are always together at specific depths, though. I don't think there would be much of a point to add truly challenging levels for endgamers if they happened to end up as either random levels at random depths, or sets of levels that are not always together.
I look forward to it, but I just hope it is more interesting than Candlestick Keep, and actually rewarding. All those latest levels have been really disappointing, reward-wise; Even the new danger rooms are pretty bleh.
It's most likely the Core. At least, I'm hoping given there's going to be playtesting.
We are given playtesting, check the testing forums. :3
Tier 3 Boss Stratums - plural? You have my attention.
... One of them better be snow/ice related while taking place in a blizzard.
If it is, I'd bet on King Tinkinzar. You know, the Gremlin king. He'd be a great tier three boss, I'd think.
I really, really like how stratums is plural.
Though this makes me wonder how exactly this will work. Most gates will end up with a boss stratum on T3 like this, leaving no space for normal clockwork levels. If those stratums end up cycling in and out, it'll be kind of silly for obtaining the possible rewards and just grinding those stratums.
I hope they don't rotate out, what about the achievements?
Not that I care or anything, but, well, I care.
Can't, I'm still all two star armor. Plus, I sort of doubt you're right anyway.
I think it *has* to be a boss stratum, since all we have to go with is precedent --
and boss strata are the only Tier specific strata there are.
Or am I wrong? I'm pretty sure I've seen stuff like Briar Bone Barrage in T1 / T2, but I know how fallible memory is.
It doesn't say "boss". It doesn't even imply it.