Let's see what I'm getting from this...
One side is a bunch of unlucky folks that says that the prize wheel is mostly useless/dud prizes and one Really Awesome prize and that this is silly.
The other is a bunch of (mostly) crusty old farts that says that the first are being entitled gits and that we should be thankful for this because they are free.
IMO Both the Lockboxes and the cheesy prize wheel (which REALLY ruins the ambiance of the game for me) can go to hell and provide intimate services to Furfur and Ukobach. And oh yeah, you ARE doing something to get to the prize wheel to begin with- you're playing the darned level. And to play the level you're paying with ME. Or CE, which you may or may not have paid for.
Even then, just because the prizes are "free" doesn't mean they're excluded from being utterly stupid and worth complaining about... and frankly, I'd rather avoid receiving insulting/poor/worthless gifts if I can help it... You'd think we get enough of that IRL from relatives who don't know what we like.
Couldn't we just have gotten an optional slot machine(s) in the Clockworks terminals, Sub-towns, or Haven? Those might make more sense... How about I get an option to NOT get a prize? Spare me the disappointment and the really kitschy animation.
If you INSIST on keeping this, then at least cut the 5 crown prize and stop giving me vials when the next level is a town and there's a fairly good chance I can't/don't want to go any further. Those are possibly the worst offenders.
I don't think that the prizes should be increased much. But I *would* like to see a prize consisting of one non-boss token (forge/primal/grim spark) be included as one of the rarer potential prizes. It would be nice to have an anticipation-inducing reward that isn't quite as awesome (or rare) as a lockbox but is better (and rarer) than a vial/heart/few crowns. It's nice to have different levels of reward, imho.
(And I, too, am curious about what the green chroma head thing in the wheel is. If anyone knows, please tell us!)