Allrighty, I have a gold bombhead and a demo suit, that match perfectly. Color wise, a regal bandoleer would match, and it has the same design as my bombhead. What I'm not sure of, if If it will "fit" on my somewhat robust demo suit. I'm not asking if it can be equipped, I'm asking if it get's overlaped, etc. Wanna know, so I could equip it to my golden less fat spiral brigande instead. Either way, it's the ultiment bombhead costume.
Acsessory help!!! I need to know something >_>

From what I heard, Side and Back Helmet accessories can only be added to Bombhead masks, but that is only a theory.
I wouldn't reccomend looking into buying Accessories until the writers on the Wiki get a hold of what's true and what's not. As a knight with a Ruby Bombhead mask, it'd be nice to know if accessories can be equipped to costume helmets and armor considering my Virulisk mask and Wolver Coat don't look well together, and I'd need a Demo suit as a costume instead.

The bandoleer goes on my armor, in the front. It's a belt stacked with golden nitromes, that resemble the bombhead. And only side and back things can be equipped to bombheads, I checked.
Also, make a 20$ CE package that comes with a plasmatech bandoleer and lots of keys OOO!

Seriously, no one has put a bandolier on a demo suit and lived to tell the tale?

bondoliers still show up as canteens, so nobody can know if it will fit, OOO will first need to fix it.

Can you put on the Spiked Mohawk on the Mad Bomber Mask?

the bandoliers should fit on the bomber gear. opened it up in a model viewer and it looked fine
makes sense it being a bomber acc on bomber gear.
no promises though, better safe than sorry.
@Keelan, side and back should also fit on other items.
mecha side plates [or whatever they're called] looked fine on vog.
@ironskullkid, most likely no.