I was very pleasantly surprised to get a mod calibrator. I didn't know such good things were in there.
So what's your best prize from the prize wheel so far?

So materials are in the thing. I should have guessed.
Me? 10 crowns. I've only done it in tier one though.

Best was an Iron Lockbox, hopefully I can sell off the accessory in it.
So far from the wheel I've seen: Lockboxes, 5cr, 10cr, 25cr, shards of all colors, Forbidden Fruit, Drift Wood, various items picked up in the clockworks... and my personal "favorite" hearts... which ALWAYS show up for me leaving an arena floor or going to Basil's/subtown.

My "best" was getting two lockboxes in the same FSC run.
Still waiting to land on that chroma... >_<

All I've gotten so far was Hp and crowns. Literally.
I've played what, a combined total of 20-30 stages at T3 and got no fancy things.

I know the worse one I got is 3 of the tier3 hearts when i was going to emberlight

I got a T3 health capsule going into Charred Court, that made me happy. Other then that, nothing particularly interesting; no materials or anything (beyond shards that is).

well ive gotten 3 fire in a row in FSC 3 shock in a row doin RT and 3 rem in a random run
but i have gotten 4 lock boxes in a snarby run b4 that made my day

i got 2 boxes, a sleep vial, and fine fabric, the rest just crowns or hearths

i got 10cr twice and a shock vial...

Only thing worth mentioning was Iron Lockbox which I sold for 13k.

Lots of stuff, too much to name but to be honest, from my experience, it seems that I get Lockboxes more in T1 then T3. -.-
I love getting MCs, I just love it.
It's funny though, I only get hearts:
After Arenas
After Bosses
Before Basil/Subtown/Core (Which all applies to the above.)
And random places such as FSC where I am already full on hearts.

Aside of crowns, vials and mat... got a "full health" heart...
Most say that one surprised me...

what do you get if you land on the chroma?

I think it does something drab and just spins the wheel again... Or maybe it's the exclusive haunt of the advisors of devs... I wouldn't know. I just hope it gives a random 5* item.

I would assume they would take one of your items.

That wheel is called a Prize Wheel so I don't think anything negative might be in there. I am still not sure though. Anyone who got a chroma can confirm?

Just got a philoso feather and i've gotten 3 boxes so far.
Some people said it gives y ou a random ITEM as in like, an item item

probably a super health capsule

Best I've gotten is a Mod Calibrator, but also I got a much needed Curse vial on a JK run.
I got a Iron Lockbox.