The Spiral Samurai
The Spiral Samurai accepts all who are...
Kind and Sharing
I don't want anyone who is a jerk, or anyone who just begs for items. If you see a member being a jerk, report them to me and they may get demoted or even removed.
For members, post what equiptment recipes or mats you need, and others can keep an eye out for it!
The time zone that will most suit you will be the time zone around Japan. I live there, and I can't stay up until midnight to see people in the U.S. time zone!
You don't need to be a frequent player. I myself am not such a frequent player due to my parents, so you don't need to be one either.
I will also be starting a BiWeekly Guild Lottery! The winner will get to loot me of mats, crowns, and Ce up to 500 points.
0star mats = 50 points
1star mats = 100 points
2star mats = 150 points
3star mats = 250 points
4star mats = 400 points
2crowns = 1 point
1Ce = what ever the rate is in crowns divided by 2
warning : I can only give you the items if I have them. I'm not always able to have many mats, so be warned.
Winners will be announced on the forum, so members should check it every once in a while.
I want this guild to be big and everyone in it to be respectful. If you have these qualities, PM me today to join!
see above