Please fix them. The top ten is not there by skill. They are there because they can play for 10 hours a day.
Herp Derp Leaderboards

At least on other OOO games you get a trophy for being the top on a leaderboard, this you don't get accomplishments, so it is not like anyone actually cares.

You can't post a "plz fix" comment without both addressing the root problem and offering an idea of a solution to fix it. You did neither, therefore this thread accomplishes literally nothing.
Also, wouldn't this belong in the Suggestions board?
/Herp GraveyarDerp

How many points would I lose for spamming 'FILL' before every match? For going AFK during matches? For accusing someone of hax when they just outplayed me? For rage quitting? For screaming abuses & then blaming my team for failing when I lose?
How many points would I gain for being a team player? For respecting my opponents? For playing an average game despite constantly having 1 red bar ping? For being a gracious loser?
You are right, it is broken.. srsly though unless you can create a score system encompassing all aspects of lockdown this is pointless. Anyone who plays more will generally win moar given how broken random matches are..

The boards don't matter. They'll reset tomorrow night around midnight :)
Blast Network's is terrible. You get points if anyone dies & keep them even if you rank last with 0 kills & 9 deaths o_O. I was top 10 for a couple days last week and I'm absolutely horrid at it.
Re: Lockdown, how would you improve the leaderboard? It's currently "# of wins/points earned", with landslide losses getting you nothing. Damage is a worthless score just shown at the end for fun. Defends? Doesn't reward strikers sprinting to grab spots. Captures? Doesn't reward defenders. Win %? All the luck of who's on your team. Stay %? Computer crashes. ... etc...
For the record - I'm #9 on LD, usually win (not because I'm good - the matchmaking system isn't fair) or finish close in points, and kept track of the # of games I played. Works out to about 4 hours a day. If whoever's #1 has the same average score as my teams it's about 8 hours a day. And if they don't win often... well.. that sure is a lot of lockdown either way.

Thank the spiral gods there's no kill / death ratio though.. Would be nice to have a damage absorbed score or something similar to get people off the idea that huge damage numbers = win.
On a sidenote.. Kwizzy! still waiting for you to get on top 10 for both so I can take a screenie =P

thanks for letting me know i made the board today, Kwizzy, i also was not aware there was such a thing. however the scoring is done it must not favor Tier 3 players because i am Tier 2 exclusive in my lockdown play.
i've played with several of you who have posted in this thread, and i think we can all agree that compelling Lockdown play is about a lot more than numbers: swarm teams will all have really low individual damage numbers because they are always whittling the same targets down. we've all seen glory hound dps players ruin a team by going solo-cowboy and never stopping to help cap a gate.
the meat and potatoes of lockdown are all about those cracks in between, holding a gate against an invading twosome when it's just you defending, cutting off the opposing team's point intake just enough to turn a match to your favor, the final thrust that takes down your worst rival, or the agony at getting your bum blasted by a recon with a shock gun who just won't quit. i salute you all for bringing those moments my way this past week!

Def/Damage/Capture are good indicators but it's barely sufficient anyway, just saying.

The leaderboards are just kinda... there atm. I would find it amusing if anyone found em to be a symbol or pride in anyway.
On that note, it's much more amusing winning games with a wrench wand ;). (Looking at you Kwizzy haha)
Then let them waste their time. The leaderboards are nothing anyway, it's not that people care. :/