1. How do you see the FPS in this game? You use an external software or what?
2. What is the best laptop screen recorder software? I heard something about Fraps and CamStudio. I need it to not cause me so much lag.
Two questions
Those are two completely seperate questions. I wanted to ask first how do I know the FPS, and second what is a overlay capture software that doesn't decrease FPS too much (or cause too much lag and frame skips).
1. Using your graphics card configuration settings or (used more often) a recorder like Fraps, with can display your current FPS on the screen besides recording.
2. Depends on your laptop's specs. If you already have real graphics lag (Low FPS), without recording, I'm quite sure your video will suck then as well. Video capturing software should cut your FPS around half off for the highest quality video. Normal preferred FPS without recording is 60, with is kinda recommended to have if you'd like to record. Your FPS WILL drop for sure. Unless you have 120 FPS without vsync, then it'll drop to 60 and your screen is probably 60 Hz as well.
Sounds complicated or tl;dr? > If you currently have a too low FPS, get a better computer (or laptop....), recording would be low quality for you anyway then.
i don't think using fraps will decrease your FPS (much) i idle on TF2 while playing spiral knights (when i say idle i mean sitting in spectate to fill up our comunity servers) and SK doesn't feel much of the load so i think a small program like fraps won't do that much (otherwise it would be a crap program that beats it's own purpose)
Don't use CamStudio, it's a piece of crap. Shell out for Fraps or, my favourite, Dxtory. You shouldn't notice any drop in framerate if you're using the lossless codec on either, just remember to re-encode it to h.264 before uploading it to youtube or you'll be uploading for days.
Both fraps and dxtory have an overlay that shows you the current fps.
Overlay and capture software can't increase FPS because your actually putting "more" load on the system. You also don't wanna make the mistake of mixing up lag (latency), low frame rates, or frame skipping as the same thing. Each has distinctions and a different set of causes.