I was just wonder whats the Max amount of items you can have, like for example Can you only have 20 swords total, and no more than that, or is it unlimited?
Maximum Capacity for Items in your inventory
nope as far as i know there is no cap in your arsenal (yet and hope it stays that way haha)
I've met no caps yet myself, though my numbers have been (comparatively) paltry.
Integer.MAX_VALUE is (2^31) - 1 = 2,147,483,647...
And perhaps OOO is very optimistic about players spending CE to craft and used a long instead of an int... :D
I have 22 swords and 22 guns in my inventory, and I'm very sure ragecrafters sometimes reach up to 50+ of one weapon type in their inventories, so I'm thinking you're safe.
I have had over 100 bombs at one time in my inventory, I call tell you quite honestly that you can have at least that many. Designing a system that makes you take a while to get the high end items, and then imposing a limit on how many you can have sees rather counter productive for OOO. The more high end items you make the more CE you need, which is more that they sell. If you reached your max amount then people would stop making new toys unless something amazing came out.
Also... some people are "completionists" (read: OCD) and like to try to collect one of EVERYTHING. Hehe, the Pokemon games are based around that little quirk actually.
The good old times when we were stocking hundreds of haze bomb to resell them to the NPC for more than twice the price after the patch :)
Yes you can have several hundreds of individual items, so you're safe...
I'm sure there's a limit so as to keep your inventory from using up all the server's bandwidth to load, but as stated in previous posts, that limit is so obscenely high that you'll probably only ever reach it if you actively try. And even then, good luck finding over 2 million light shards.
2 million Light Shards? I'd guess Scrap Metal myself.
I don't think it's very limited... people used to be making 10 ME bombs by the truckload.
For stack sizes (materials etc), I've had 1500 of something with no problems