Can you transfer UVs from one item to another? The wiki states you can transfer when upgrading, but do you have to keep the UVs on the same item?
Can You Transfer UVs...

Just so you understand, if you're crafting, and the recipe asks for an item, and that item (as an ingredient) has a uv, then if you transfer, the new item will have the same uv.
So, if you're crafting a DUSKER cap, the recipe asks for a wolver cap. So, if you have a WOLVER cap with a... high shadow uv or something, then if you transfer, the DUSKER cap will also have a high shadow uv.

If you have a UV on an item, and you upgrade that item to it's next star level, you have the option to *retain* that UV on the upgraded item.
For example, if you have a 2* item with a UV, and you upgrade that item to a 3*, you have the option to "keep" the UV and have it applied to the new 3* item.
You can't, however, take a UV off one item and attach it to another entirely different item.
No, you can't transfer a UV from one item to another--UVs are tied to the individual piece of equipment.