Lets do an overview of the Bazaar: They have recipes, overpriced equipment, a place to unbond items, a person selling silver keys, a token trader, etc. But what they don't have is someone selling mats. Why not? We should be able to have a marker telling AH sellers how high mat prices can go. But Nick/Spiral Knights, if this idea ever goes into consideration, DON't charge us 50 cr for a shard, 100k cr for a dragon scale, and 5k for a volt oil. I am sick of Bazaar expansions being useless to 98% of Spiral Knighters. What I want (perhaps we) is a Bazaar expansion including a mats seller, selling mats for affordable prices. Charge mats according to stars. For example: 10 cr for 0 star, 25 for 1 star, 100 for 2 star, 250 for 3 star, 500 for 4 star, 2000 for 5 star (this is just example).
Bazaar Expansion!

I know that. But tokens are very different from cr. Sometimes you get some, sometimes you don't. Too unstable. Besides, it is not cheap at all!

This should be in the suggestions forum.
Mats are dropped by mobs for free.
For example: 0 cr for 0 star, 0 for 1 star, 0 for 2 star, 0 for 3 star, 0 for 4 star, 0 for 5 star (this is just an example).
However, if you get mats that you don't need, I suppose you could sell them to someone else who doesn't need them. You make an infinite profit since they were free. What an outrage.
You can use the trade channel ("join 2" and "/2" to trade talk), or just spam your salable goods in Haven. However, this gets annoying. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could just put the mats they want to sell into an auction house and people who need to buyers can browse at their leisure?
Enter the auction house.
You get tokens for free. You can use these free tokens for mats. Not sure how you think these are not cheap at all. I guess you could consider the alternative of selling a trinket...
Now let's look at your system:
Step 1: If mats were sold at set prices in the bazaar, they shouldn't be dropped for free. That's just silly.
Step 2: Mobs should just stop dropping mats. As a result, maybe they should just require more crowns (which would be purchased for these otherwise required mats) for each recipe for crafting. Why go through the step of converting crowns into mats in the bazaar at set prices to craft.
Step 3: Congratulations, you have just made the game a bit more boring.
Dragon scales are 1,500 crowns. not 100k crowns. Just checked. Not sure where you are trying to get with this...
If you want your suggestions to be taken more seriously, you'll need to present a more thorough analysis....

Yeah, I think I will troll the forums too.

We could use a mat dump like they have for minerals.

If you don't want to see all those mats piling up in your inventory, you don't craft and you're too bored to sell them in the AH or outside of it, you can sell them to any vendor in the bazaar, or any Basil at clockworks and the subtowns for base prices (like 1cr for 0* mats etc).

Mats can't have set sale prices, because their prices vary by how many people do which stratum types, which in turn is affected by the ever changing gates.

They have "sell to vendor" prices, but they're pretty bad, as you'd expect. 1 crown for zero and one star items, 5 for two star, 25 (I think) for three star, etc.

Exactly! I love the Crystal dump idea. This is more like it; some suggestions, not a trolling sass! Sell to vendor prices are horrible, just as you said!
I don't understand the need for this at all. What we need is a way to ELIMINATE the huge overabundance of mats, not make even more of them.

we wouldn't see people selling Mats on the auction house because someone could just get it cheaper at the bazaar and your never making a profit through this thus ruining the economy of materials which in terms less money you can earn and no one wants that now do we.

This is mostly only a problem if you're making Wolver series, Cutter series, Chroma series or Divine Avenger series. :D
Make and upgrade Jelly Mail, it will be super cheap in materials costs.
I'm OK with the Mat vendor as long as it charges exorbitant prices.
Example: 500 for 0*-1* mats (each)
Yeah, I think I will troll the forums too.
I guess you're just revealed your true intentions, OP. For the sake of new players, please quit making misinformed threads in the Arsenal and New Recruits forum. Good thing they are long enough to tl;dr...
You can buy mats for tokens from Brinks.