I was playing Jelly King, in level all the enemies were invisible, and the Jelly King boss was not taking any damage 5 charge attacks from FOV, Curse vial, 3 poisons and hits from Gran Faust. Never went to second phase because not doing any damage but killed everything around it.
JK bug
Mon, 10/10/2011 - 19:58
Mon, 10/17/2011 - 21:45
I also have this kind of
I also have this kind of problem and it just started this morning monsters freezing not taking any damages some of them become invisible. I already reinstall java and Spiral Knights patch!
anyone found solution on this yet? please comment. . . .
This could be some sort of connection issue. Sometimes when you have connection issues, hostiles will become invisible (and invincible in some cases,) including any sort of bosses. This could become problematic if you ever decide to fight Vanaduke, so I'd advise next time to do bring either a reliable gun for (any) runs, or at least a good 5 star bomb.