Ultimate Snarby Fan Feedback Center!!!

Okay first off, remeber the key questions!!!
1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
2. How many revives did you use?
3. What did you like about the level?
4. What needs improvement?
5. Anything else you want to add in?

I LOVED these changes. About time Poison Resistance got a legitimate use.
any way
1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
I thought that this round was just right save for a few instances, but that would change if I went with a full party instead of me and a friend. A decent bombing strategy with teamwork could prolly make this a really fun set of levels
2. How many revives did you use?
6, but I think that's because I didn't wait for my friend to revive me and that I was being reckless what with the unlimited revives.
3. What did you like about the level?
The redisign is quite nice, and the random moments where snarby pops out and stuns you are brilliant, along with the "boss fight" where you kill everything but snarby.
4. What needs improvement?
I'd have to say that all the sick puppies in the level should be changed to howlitzers, as keeping everything generaly weak to what the boss is weak to creates a sense of continuity. Keep the Vilewoods though, them inflicting stun also keep the Snarby theme together. Also being a bit friendlier with heart boxes would be nice, although this may change as I plan on trying again tomorrow with what I think to be the perfect gear for it.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
There isn't really as much of a reward for doing this one as there seems there should be, and I feel as though there were no hidden areas like FSC and IMC had (albeit very small bonuses). That and I'm hoping if/when this gets fully implemented, more gear will come out that will help with these, as the only armor set that would excel in this is the Deadly Virulisk stuff, which doesn't grant any shadow resistance and has a rather unfitting slime bonus. (although it's still quite doable).

1. What did you think of the difficulty of the levels?
I thought it was good but not something I would do too often. Good challenge from the ordinary but seems like a poison wolvers den with Snarby added in.
2. How many revives did you use?
First try 64ce. Second try about 400ce Third Try .. i hit the 1k revive button a few times..
3. What did you like about the level?
Wolvers.. alot of them.
4. What needs improvement?
The red hue of the levels was really bothersome for me. I turned the brightness down and messed with my monitor setting to try and make it a bit more confortable. The bell on the boss level has its faults at times...both snarbs could be standing next to it and I would hit it and they wouldn't stun. This got annoying the third time it happened and I just left.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
not really.

"as the only armor set that would excel in this is the Deadly Virulisk stuff, which doesn't grant any shadow resistance and has a rather unfitting slime bonus. (although it's still quite doable)."
Pierce resist, check. Shadow resist, check. Poison resist, check. Damage against undead, check.
Technically not an armor set but it is useful if you really need to gear up for ultimate snarby (hint: you don't need to gear for ultimate snarby).
1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
Well snarby was kinda difficult going through solo. I had some problems at choke points; but i still was able to finish him. So on a scale of 1-10 i would rate him at a 8-9 compared to old Vanaduke.
2. How many revives did you use?
I lost count at 12.
3. What did you like about the level?
Well even thought the intention of this update was to make a tier 3 Snarby I was extremely satisfied with how the course turned out from a "walk in the park" run for tier 2 armor.
4. What needs improvement?
Well to start out I would like the first group trigger with Snarby in tha area to either: remove the turrets or remove Snarby and add a different danger.
Secondly the room that used to have the spike line with a swich behind the wall was difficult because if you wanted any space you would have to summon a massive horde of creatures which killed me a couple of times.
Lastly I would like for the final boss room to be a little more spacey and only have those poison brambles near the spawners so that no one tries to spawn block the butterflies.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
Well I was sort of hoping that thier would be another puzzle level like the second level of vanaduke except you have to find snipes

Holy crap how did I miss that, I even looked up and down the wiki for something like that. derp on my part.
But in a game focused solely around gear, I feel like if they aren't aiming to make people make gear for specific situations, I'm not entirely sure where to go with it.

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
A short essay: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/28860
2. How many revives did you use?
I didn't completely keep track, so lets just say it was an appropriate amount given the content.
3. What did you like about the level?
The level was great, honestly, and as far as "Ultimate" areas go, I think this should be the blueprint. It uses every damage type (Wolvers doing Piercing, Lunbers doing Elemental, undead doing Shadow) so it relies on the player being good enough to not get hit, as no armor set is going to give you good protection against all of these (although Radiant Silvermail actually has a use now). In particular I really like the first "encounter," where you have to contend with a horde of enemies AND an invincible Snarbolax. See, this is how you do invincible enemies, right here.
4. What needs improvement?
Those poison bars? Yeah, they're garbage. They don't do any notable damage, and if they poison you, well, so does everything else. It would be nice if they had more of a punch.
The left side of Roarsterous Ruins seems a tad easier than the right, might want to work on that a bit.
The final encounter before the elevator to the boss could be worked on a bit. It's nowhere near as memorable as the first encounter in the new Wildwoods, and just doesn't seem right for a pre-boss encounter. The Snarby encounter before was creative, intense, hard, and really engaging, while this one is kind of forgettable.
As for the Snarbmeister himself(selves?), I said everything I wanted to in the above link, but as for a short summary: ouch, my pride...
5. Anything else you want to add in?
I pretty much said everything I wanted to regarding the Wildwoods, but I really do think you guys are on to something with this one (except for Snarby).

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
Great for the most part. Fix the bells not working since as it stands this is an issue with regular Snarby and these guys, but otherwise I really enjoyed it. Probably my favourite boss battle in all of SK.
2. How many revives did you use?
I didn't count exactly since with infinite mist I find it difficult to play cautiously since I can just explore at my leisure, but I would probably say around 4 or 5, 2 of which were at Snarby due to the bells refusing to do as I wanted em too.
3. What did you like about the level?
More or less everything. The foreboding atmosphere, the well constructed difficulty that didn't really on cheap shots like UFSC, the creative parts of it and the fact that similarly to how UFSC makes curse resistance worthwhile, this stratum has actually given poison resistance a reason to exist.
4. What needs improvement?
Not a lot, Snarby needs tweaking slightly since the bell picks and chooses when it works although that's also an issue with regular Snarby, and I think the final fight before the boss depth itself needs to be bit more climatic. Otherwise though these were great, kudos to OOO.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
Nothing. As far as I'm concerned this level is easily the best 'Ultimate' level so far and they really need to go back and rethink how they did UIMF and UFSC, since is so much better by comparison.

"Nothing. As far as I'm concerned this level is easily the best 'Ultimate' level so far and they really need to go back and rethink how they did UIMF and UFSC, since is so much better by comparison."
I second this.

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
Was a good challenge, a little annoying at times, but I think it was a nice change. The poison status is crazy even with All Deadly Virulisk.
2. How many revives did you use?
These numbers are a bit skewed since I didn't do a complete run, but a run with four people at first at which java crashed on me. (2 deaths) And a second run about halfway through with only 3 people. (3 deathes.)
3. What did you like about the level?
I liked the atmosphere I suppose, the music fit with it this time.
4. What needs improvement?
Not quite sure really.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
Thorns at boss level + BTB/FFlourish = RAGE

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
It was a nice challenge. I found the danger rooms a bit annoying with mobs and all the spikes. But all I need is some practice to get use to it. Snarby is probably one of my favorite bosses. I fight him a lot even if I am t3 but I tend to go solo to avoid t1 kids.
2. How many revives did you use?
I didn’t bother counting. Unlimited rez lets be a little reckless. : )
I will probably fight correctly next time and whenever the update becomes official.
3. What did you like about the level?
How Snarby appears to help his minions fight you. Along with the twins at the boss level. I do like how when you stun him then he goes underground Snarby will still come up to take some beating before recovering.
4. What needs improvement?
I know there called danger rooms for a reason but (about to over exaggerate here) I think the 15 Kats, 20 Wolvers, 3 Trees, 5 GunPups, and 50 Zombies. Is a bit too much and I know that some computers can’t handle that much stuff on the screen at once without lagging. This isn’t fair for the players when such lag causes their death. I went out and bought a top of the line computer for this game (and it was about time to update anyways) but I know that many people can’t afford to do that. Maybe have more rounds and less monsters appear at once instead of fewer founds with a million monsters hitting the screen at once. Just to help reduce some lagging issues once this becomes official.
Snarby bell needs some tweaking I think. Sometimes you will hit the bell and Snarby will be right next to it and nothing will happen.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
These are just little things I would like added/changed. But you don’t have to take it seriously. At the second level when you have to get the two keys if it would be a split off area instead of a party button. Maybe a color difference between the two bosses to help us keep track on which Snarby we want to focus on.

"15 Kats, 20 Wolvers, 3 Trees, 5 GunPups, and 50 Zombies."
Lol. 4 turrets and ~10 zombies for the last wave. Your fear just made you believe the odds were greater than they were. With a snarby breathing down your neck and zombies closing it for the kill, you just got scared and didn't know how to react. The first time I did the encounter it seemed insane, the second time around if you keep a cool head it is doable.

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
I like the difficulty, its more difficult then FSC x.x (in my opinion :P). Unlike the T1 Snarby, its not very "solo-friendly" D:. If you combine: respawning Silks+poison+2 Snarby, and only 1 person its an "lost-fight" ._.
For 4 people it must be sure a fun and a challenge :P.
2. How many revives did you use?
For the Pre-Depth about 7-8, but if I had seen the Silks and the 2! Snarbys I've given up...x.x
3. What did you like about the level?
The atmosphere was pretty cool :P, that gloomy, dark background, and the rabid Snarby fit perfectly with the music :P
4. What needs improvement?
Perhaps the respawning Silks... on the next-to-last arena with 20 Wolvers, 20 Zombies, 8 Alphas, 10 Cats and the spawning Silks, i've often died x.x
This also applies to Snarby...
5. Anything else you want to add in?
No, otherwise it was pretty cool :)

After replaying it properly without being reckless because of unlimited revives, the only times I used energy to revive was during the danger zone with snarby in the first level (2 times) and then in the boss fight(4 times) which is pretty decent given that there was very little strategy with me and the other person in the party.
There are a few glitches still with the duel snarbys, of course there's the random times where you hit the bell and they don't get stunned, but there's also one where for some reason they continue their bite attack infinitely until either you die or they get stunned, which is a big problem if it ever happens when you're not near the bell or it's recharging.
Other than that I agree, this is the best ultimate level I've seen so far.

I found this level pretty easy, except for Snarbolax.
\\since there's two of em their health should be nerfed, and there should only be one healer. Other than that I actually liked this challenge,

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
It wasn't super tough actually but what made it tough was the bell not working when you hit it. you get no bell sound and it does not stun the enemy.(seems to happen if you hit it right after it resets)
2. How many revives did you use?
A lot
3. What did you like about the level?
I liked the added zombies
4. What needs improvement?
Bell activation.
5. Anything else you want to add in?

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
Perfect. It was a fun boss battle that, with some specialized piercing equipment, felt perfect.
2. How many revives did you use?
Two, almost three.
One at the arena pit with one snarbolax thrown in, with turrets and massive amounts of Kats.
One at the spawn pad room before we figured out that thing were spawning indefinitely and we needed to clear the bushes. Room was balanced, we just didn't connect the dots fast enough.
The final wolver room with 2 bells in it nearly killed me after draining all my pills
3. What did you like about the level?
First, I love new content in all forms. I like the game and I like these levels simply because they're made of the SK experience. That said, I came here to focus on the flaws, to give constructive criticism so things could be improved. Things I liked were:
- The many wolvers
- the fact that poison resist gear has a place in our inventories now
- that some mechanics really surprised me (like the spawn pads, which forced us to think for the first time in months of playing)
- that we can have some variation in T3 even if they are recycled levels
- that the levels just felt fun. They're simply enjoyable.
- Stun traps, it makes for nice terrain hazards without actually killing you, very well thought of!
4. What needs improvement?
- Wolvers teleport a split second before they attack, which feels incredibly cheap. You see one charge up, so since you're charging something up yourself you simply walk out of range. Then it teleports behind you and hits you unavoidably. You simply cannot charge anything if there's 5 wolvers in the room, because the more there are the higher the chance of one teleporting mid attack, which will hit you 100% of the time unless you're shielding (yes, even while running they can hit you).
- Alpha Wolvers usually charge, then attack three times forward with enough damage that no shield can stand it (an ironmight, which is plate and has pierce resist broke in one combo). This would be fine, but sometimes they simply lock onto you like a heat seeking missile, turning if you try to sidestep them. In small arena's here you're forced through bramble bush this way, or into a howlitzer since they clear a LOT of space just dashing forward.
I know these previous two are enemy related, but since this is a dungeon themed after them it really stood out.
- Like Mister-Chilled mentioned, the hue/color is bothersome. I'm not colorblind at the least, but I had trouble seeing some enemies or keeping track. That also adds to my next point:
- The first arena with snarby felt a little too hard. His green spikes are hardly visible enough to dodge (ties to previous point), he doesn't always seem to 'walk' places when underground (instead teleporting to the other side instantly, sometimes under a knight who's standing there spiking him), he can trap you with his body against enemies removing every defense you have except your shield (pray that it won't break), two or three kinds of projectile sources is too chaotic (kats, howlitzers and snarby shooting spikes) without some sense of crowd control like a shivermist bomb and even then snarby is immune and will probably spike you out of charging.
- The heart dispensers in front of the boss room were small hearts, which just means unnecessary waiting. Upgrading them to ones similar to the 3 heart dispensers at Crossroads or Royall jelly/Vanaduke boss rooms will speed things up.
- 3 T1 Tokens for such hard levels and boss seems frugal, I know these items make valuable 5* additions to any arsenal, but T3 token items start at 4* (Blackened crest) but mostly 5* (ancient set, fang of vog). So a suggestion would be new items to trade for these tokens, different coins or simply more coins.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
- Will the stun traps get other graphics? We avoided them like the plague, because normal spikes hurt so much and they look identical. The fun with stun traps is that you can pick between taking damage from an enemy while being cornered or letting yourself being stunned, it's a nice tactical consideration since the stun can be better or worse. You can only make those considerations when stun traps have a unique look though.
- I felt that I got lucky with the amount of health and pills that dropped. My Firestorm Citadel runs don't always drop this much health to keep me going (then again since I'm more experienced at that dungeon, I don't tend to need it).

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
Very fun. The only big issue I had throughout was that it is very hard to see the attack telegraphs with many wolvers teleporting all over the place. And unlike a Wolver Den (which can have the same issue) there is no room to maneuver.
2. How many revives did you use?
Too. many. lag. spikes. ugg. Especially on the first encounter, I would get hit by Snarby without even seeing the attack/spikes/projectile on my screen... more on that later.
3. What did you like about the level?
Solid mix of two monster types requiring a variety of weapons and armors. What was the deal with them doing split damage though? Are they going to do pure/T3 damage when live?
Edit: After further testing, I think the need for a variety of armors is somewhat of an illusion. I tried various mixes of shadow/piercing defenses and found that straight Skolver greatly increased my survivability... just avoid shadow and you're set. Managed to do run from start to finish with two deaths - and one was just a stupid lag spike into an Alpha Wolver's mouth. Doing full shadow or a shadow/piercing mix just resulted in a lot of deaths. This could be different if the split Normal damage isn't present in the live version in which case half of Skolver's defenses would be pointless and Radiant Silvermail could be useful. Hint hint. ;)
4. What needs improvement?
Terrilous Trail
First bell - insane lag spikes due to the fog. Had to kite the wolves up to the area where the howlitzer was to keep from dying. I think it affects the arena area too because the fog is still visible in the top left corner. For the sake of all things good, can you remove fog or have an option to turn it off on computers that can't handle it? If the two areas were further apart so that the fog was well off-screen that would work too.
Roarsterous Ruins
Checker spikes - I get caught on the door frame of the locked gate when running along the top edge.
Left of checker spikes - bad lag spikes again, very low framerate... might be the lighting effects? Not sure.
Speed up the heart pads :)
Any way you can reduce the silkwing respawn rate hehe... Hitting them with a Flourish I would frequently end up in the bushes. Which is annoying, had to switch to just repeated first swing swipes.
Got the bell bug many times that causes Snarby to not stun. Sometimes he seemed stunned for a very short time period. With two snarbies and silkwings, it makes more sense to just be on a timer instead of also based on damage taken. Especially with a party of 5* you hit the damage limit very quickly. There were times I didn't have a chance to even reach him before the stun was off. This is less of a problem solo.
Edit: Did a run where the bell bug occurred 4 times in a row. Was seriously considering rage quitting at that moment. The bug occurred at least 8 times during that battle, that is just the times I was absolutely sure, noticed and counted. The battle dragged on forever. Did another run and the bell bug only occurred twice the entire time and the battle was over very quickly. Also, during one of the battles someone joined the boss battle randomly after it already started... guess the boss depth wasn't locked for whatever reason.
I wish they were not skinned identically. Maybe one is black and the other is green? Trying to concentrate firepower on just one is as futile as playing a shell game.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
Awesome job!

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
WOW it was sow Darn challenging and hard... i just could not stop playing it, i hope they make it official in to the game.
This is what SK should be Fun, Exiting and Challenging if you ask me.... because if i want to play a kiddy game i play Nintendo Wii
2. How many revives did you use?
sow many time that i just forgot to count them all, i hit the 1000 revive more than you can count to a million =O)
3. What did you like about the level?
I Love Everything about the new Level
4. What needs improvement?
The Darn Bell Never work for me..... i say the Bell needs to be fix
5. Anything else you want to add in?
Superb Job Three Rings! A++ Two Thumbs Up!!

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
The levels were fun and challenging, but not unfair. I'd definitely rather run this than sleepwalk through the T1 Wildwoods.
2. How many revives did you use?
One on the stages, although I would have needed more if it hadn't been so generous with health drops from enemies. Two revives against the boss. My teammates died a LOT.
3. What did you like about the level?
A lot of condensed, interesting fights.
4. What needs improvement?
Stun spikes need to be more clearly marked as less harmful than normal, and the spinning bar at the center of what I think was the old spike/bell/key room was too short to really have any effect on the fight there. I don't like the green color scheme of the bosses - their spikes to blend in with grass a bit, and I took a few hits without noticing anything was coming. They could stand to get a bit of knockback resistance as well - when one got attacked, it'd almost always wind up in the brambles. Finally, the respawning silkwings at the boss were dropping full crowns and heat on death.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
I noticed some floating black squares appearing and vanishing leading up to the boss lair, you can see some on the right side of this cropped screenshot.

1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
Very good. This is what you guys should be aiming for (or above) for T3 content difficulty level.
2. How many revives did you use?
A lot. I went solo and lost count after the count maxed at 1000; probably around 15 or so.
3. What did you like about the level?
Let's see.
The first arena area was AMAZING―innovative and difficult. I think Snarby should have been present in ALL locked rooms in these levels. The mix of damage types was great, too. You had Kats, Zombies, and Howlitzers (shadow), Lumbers and the occasional Gun Puppy (elemental), and then a bunch of Beasts (piercing). The respawning Silkwings was also amazing and innovative; really liked it.
4. What needs improvement?
The problem with Poison status is that it doesn't prevent you from running away, and it's not a threat if you do run away. There need to be more points of no return/locked rooms in order for poison to be a constant threat.
Adding to the above problem, because Wolvers are so mobile, I could just run away to wherever I wanted, then summon the Wolvers to me with Argent Peacemaker, completely ignoring any threats from turrets or hazards. So, again, more PONR's and locked rooms.
An exploit that must be addressed before launch are the Silkwings during the boss battle dropping crowns, heat, materials, and health capsules. They should drop hearts and vitapods only.
More Gun Puppies would be nice. While the Lumbers would break any non-elemental shield in one hit, they're not that easy to get hit by, so Elemental damage was a little weak. Someone also mentioned (I forget where) that monsters are dealing split normal damage; this should be fixed, as well.
The stun spikes are not nearly threatening enough. First of all, they do no damage, and second, you can just run away into one of the button-locked rooms and snipe enemies from outside (Silkwings/Lumbers) or call them to you (Wolvers).
The spinning wheel things, like in UFSC, are not threatening enough either. I assume they can cause poison, but I had no poison resist and can't remember an instance of them doing so. The poison chance should be 100% because they aren't hard to shield/avoid in the first place. They could also use to be a little faster.
The final room with the keys would be more interesting if you had to kill the first "wave" of monsters (those that spawn when you get there) before you could progress (perhaps add a pink gate in front of the key gates); as it is you can just run like hell and open the gates, and use the arena ahead as a barracks.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
I'll just use this section to summarize:
a. More Snarbolax in "arena" style rooms.
b. More points of no return/locked rooms.
c. More threatening hazards.
d. More elemental damage monsters.
e. No infinitely farmable Silkwings.

Opening note: I played on my laptop that can barely handle foggy areas in Spiral Knights. In some cases a lumber can go from idle to having hit me before my screen updates
1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
I thought the difficulty was about bang on for something that people are calling "ultamite". The first run was a lot of panicking and "ooh-ahh-ing" with my partner. The second time I solo'd and was able to handle Snarby well enough once I had a plan. With my computer running slowly it was sometimes fustrating sudden;y finding myself in a bramble patch, but that should not happen once I move over to a more powerful computer.
My one major complaint is that when you've disabled the invincible shell Snarby can still dive under the ground. It's very fustraiting to get the stun only to have Snarby pull out a dive attack at full speed, wasting the vulnerability period.
2. How many revives did you use?
I kept it under 10 on my second, more serious run. I suspect I could get it lower on a nicer computer.
3. What did you like about the level?
My first run was rather rough, but once I knew what to expect I was able to handle myself quite well. Much of the lead up is understanding how the battle environment will change and knowing where to lead monsters so you can face them in areas that allows for greater movement. I really liked the spawn waves; at first they fustraited me, but now I've learned.
4. What needs improvement?
I think Snarby's bite attack rate in the "arena" type area should be tweaked down a bit. That's a huge moving attack area in a space where there isn't much room to manuver. Especially if the attack comes after a fresh spawn wave.

Unfortuantely, I wasn't able to participate this time around (living in the other side of the world and test server times given in an unfamiliar timezone didn't help much) but I just wanted to clarify the "bell bug": From my observations with normal Snarby, I found that it's not a bug, it's a (kind of) feature: THE BELL DOESN'T WORK DURING THE ATTACK SEQUENCE (capitalazied for emphasis). It took me 3 runs to figure it out, but after that, and when not in a PUG, I was able to use it only when it was effective and it performed consistently.
You can add it as a suggestion (bell to interrupt them/just work and get him stunned as soon as they finish attacking), but that would make the fight too easy, right?

Did two runs on this, I'll talk about the second one, because that's where I learned what I should be taking to fight him.
1. Snarbolax's Lair is hard. Its a nice hard though, and I one time found myself stuck in a corner, surrounded by Wolvers, when I was smashed in the head by a Lumber. While I was kinda mad at this, I had to admire their strategy. Snarbolax himself, or rather, Snarbolaxes themselves, were nightmares. The Wings kept comming, and it was impossible to get any rings on the bell in. It was an inevitable struggle, and I felt that it is not fair at ALL to heal an INVULNERABLE boss with no let up, let alone two of them. I feel that the Snarbolaxes should be able to heal, but only under certain condition's, like if one of them took a bite out of you, or something that is at least fair.
2. Over 1000. Way over.
3. More Wolvers were nice, I felt like I was actually having some trouble dispatching with them, but I found the Briar Barrage was great for defending yourself and making an open point to attack, while not knocking them 50 feet away from me. I do not like the fork in the road with the 2 key-gates in back of all the Stun traps. I felt that was Jerkish to do, because eventually to escape, I would have to be stunned, and slammed across the room by a Lumber. Also, my teammates and I could not split up to get things done faster. In fact, they could have done that and then placed a Snarbolax to fight at each place, to hint that there were two of them.
4. The Boss itself. The two wings are over kill. Maybe one, if they didn't spawn in the brambles, but two is just too much.
5. That's really all there is to report on the subject of Ultimate Snarbolax(es).

The design and everything is really good but the lag is just soo bad. I was in tons of groups and everyone experienced the same exact thing. There is a short lag spike every 5-10 seconds. This stops as soon as you go down to fight the two snarbys. There seems to be some black glitch in the center of the room when you fight the two snarbys.
**VanillaTeddy's Take!**
1. What did you think of the difficulty level of The Snarby?
I loved the difficulty of the trecherous lair of the Snarby, it was so clean and hard that it almost made it easy for me to have fun killing swarms of zombies and Wolvers. It was like i could have fun killing Snarby again C: But OMG did i love that Snarby had A twin, it makes me want one so BAD.
2. How many revives did you use?
So many, i couldnt stop hugging Snarby C;
3. What did you like about the level?
It was so misterious, it was new. it was fun it was challengeing it was OMG!!!
4. What needs improvement?
I think there should be heart drop after first Danger zone...
5. Anything else you want to add in?
Snarby should have bigger spike when hes underground.