I'd buy one. Wouldn't you?
Magicat Plushies
1 side peaceful, flip around, t3 angry!
It would have to make the little squeaky meow when you squeeze it. That's mandatory.
I wonder if it would be possible to do that without an electronic voice box. I would probably kill the batteries of an electronic on in under a couple days.
In an ironic twist, most games like this use chibi designs to make selling merchandise easier, yet this franchise hasn't gotten around to it yet. I can tell you right now that the Spookat and Snipe designs would sell to women even if they don't recognize the brand. Include at least half of the male playerbase and you would have some respectable sales.
It's funny, I had this idea before. Including Five-Hundred's suggestion.
Would imagine it would work out like this.
I was thinking about making this myself, but like most projects I don't find the time.
I'd take a plush purple Devilite with plush office supplies to throw at people.
Magikats would be cool, but it's funny that this would come up now... I'm actually buying the fabric to build a Love Puppy plushie (among other things.) ;)
Plush Love Puppy? I don't know, I figure the Love Puppy would be more of a motorized action figure sitting on my desk and every so often it would open it's mouth and bark. =)
And troll your coworkers by firing little Nerf darts at them.
OMG i cant tell u how bad i want Bechemal's love puppy on my desk to do the howlitzer animations!!!!
Yes that is a very good idea if the sold them i would by one a squish it ... ooohhh squishy squishy
Am with TheSkyBlade... the bechamel love puppy looks cute...
And i really like the howlitzer when is on standby and moves the head around...
But really awesome was a JK statue XD
plushy jelly or polyp
epik, well coming from a jelly lover
If Three Rings were to make plushies and toys of the monsters(Especially KATS, I WANT ONE SO BAD!), all I can say is....
But it's probably not going to be a while. Maybe when Spiral Knights becomes more well known.
To be honest, I'd prefer a Snipe plushie. Magikat [Mewkats preferable] plushies would be far easier to produce, though.
I'd be interested if the face of the plushie is when a Magikat is undisturbed.
Not so much if it's the creepy face of one dying.