ATM since I've got my recording stuff working, I'm aiming for the cleanest kills on bosses atm. Here's what I got so far =)
Snarbolax ---> 51 seconds ---> No damage taken in the fight duration.
Twins ---> **1 minute 41 seconds** ---> No items used, full health at end of fight.
JK ---> 1 minute 20 seconds ---> No damage taken in the fight duration.
Vana ---> Not at a perfect run here yet, mostly because its a long fight.
Uploaded videos on the *Edit 3* cleanest runs so far...
Snarbolax --->
Royal Jelly --->
Roarmulus Twins --->
**Edit: ATM I think I may have the fastest twins on SK right now. Current Record 1 minute 41 seconds.
jelly king? cool! I dont try too hard, maybe if they were achievements, I think I did a vana once or maybe got close. What mods did you have? You had at least ctr med and damage med.