There are many interesting secret places, and hidden switches in the levels. Has anyone figured out what they do? For instance, there are hidden ground switches in the Garden of Goo. Do these have a purpose?
This thread is here to discuss our results and findings of such matters.
SK Hidden Secrets

There is a secret key in Stone Grove (Aurora Isles) and there are small hidden rooms in some graveyards... many small secrets actually, and most of them are explained in the forums ;)

@Agrimony was that a secret? I reported a bug saying the gate opens even when there were still enemies there, lol.

No, bugs don't count! As Players, we are looking for things that the developers have hidden, themselves.

i heard that if you destroy 1001 bushes, boswick's bush will come out of hiding and start to rule cradle with a bushy branch

There's a forum or two on this; I'm sure, but here's a fun fact for you secret-seekers out there.
Go to the login screen and create a new knight. Click 'create'. As soon as you see the words 'loading' (or something like that) click the back button on the lower-left hand corner.
It takes a few tries to get it, but when you do, it's quite the surprise.
In one of the Lichenous Lairs' arena boxes you're able to do a secondary wave if you walk into the top left corner. (no button is located there)
This is a non-mandatory instance, so by killing the first wave the arena gate is let down, but you can go into the corner and spawn a second wave if you wish. I'm quite sure my description is correct.