I was going to sell my antigua, but it said it wasn't trade-able. So i went back to the bazaar and it said it is bound once it was bought. Is this a glitch or a new patch because i didn't even touch my antigua.
Token items bound automatically?

Just found this out a few days ago when I got my antigua. Thank God I didn't buy a second sealed sword 0_0...

They implemented token reward items being bound when they made 4* items be bound to the user and before they added the unbinding gremlin to Haven.
That said, you need two sealed swords anyway - one to make into Divine Avenger and one to make into Gran Faust. ;) Antigua also has two 5* versions - Argent Peacemaker and Sentenza.

Do you guys ever read patch notes? That system has been in place for months, at least since the Auction House was added in May.

Well, the Sentenza is quite useless and the Gran Faust is only superb in PvP IMO while somewhat sufficient in PvE (unless they finally release a gremlin boss...) . I just need the Argent Peacemaker and the Divine Avenger.

yes all equipment bought via tokens are automatically bound on acquisition
however u should be able to sell it to the NPC venders for some money

it even says so on the wiki, mats how ever can not be bound so if you want to earn money with tokens sell the mats
I'm pretty sure that they are immediately bounded when sold by Brinks. It's no glitch. :(
I should know, I tried to sell one of Snarby's token items, and I got the "This item can't be sold" message. :( And this was way before most of the updates.