Royal Jelly Gate Feedback Thread -- Please post here.

Make it easy for the Devs to read feedback. Post your comments here about the revamped JK.

Royal Jelly is doable in both 3* and 5* gear. On 3* run I used Dusker set, Twisted Targe, Nightblade, Fireburst Brandish, Toxic Vaporizer Mkll and Fiery Vaporizer Mk II. The knockback from JK sometimes is very random even when you are a bit away from JK. The Polyps didn't even bother me much because I just concentrated on JK since that is what I normally do in a JK battle. This revamped JK does bring a different challenge but once your figured it out... its still kinda the old JK just a bit firmer.

The Royal Jelly feedback may be skewed a bit for a number of reasons - a lot of people don't seem to realize that they were meant to run it with 3* items, the vials and pills were T3 strength, and there were no curse vials available, which are usually the second thing I hoard during the levels, after health itself.
As for the boss itself, I hated it. Even less fun than the old version, which was aggrivating itself. It's already the less consistent of the T2 bosses to run in pub groups, and upping the challenge is just going to make things hell for guildless, friendless Joe Sixpod. The knockback can't be predicted or avoided, and I noticed Polyps spawning beside one another.

I posted in the other thread my feedback on him with full 5* set, but after I read the Dev's post on how it was supposed to be a 3* boss I decided to do it again. I'll go ahead and use the layout that's easier to read. I ran this solo with full chroma set, great defender, cautery sword, fireburst brandish, Fiery Vaporizer mkII, and a toxic vaporizer mkII. no trinkets, because I highly doubt any 3* player would have bought the 3* piercing trinkets or found any love puppies by this fight.
1. What did you think of the difficulty level?
It was pretty diffiult, I would've found it impossible to out-do its healing without the toxic vaporizer. That's not necessarily a bad thing; encouraging weapon leveling for a specific reason is a pretty good thing if you ask me.
2. How many revives did you use?
3. What did you like about the level?
I like the inclusion of the T1 turrets, it really complements the breakable blocks by adding a sort of randomness factor to it. The knockback and increased healing is alright too, if it wasn't so overdone.
4. What needs improvement?
The knockback is almost constant, it was near impossible to get close enough to him long enough to finish a sword combo, and like I said earlier, a 3* player probably wouldn't have known to bring poison to this fight until after he had lost. In fact, when I first played the game I didn't know what poison did until I went into the jelly levels and my friend told me to save them. Maybe decrease the healing rate by a bit and double the time it takes for him to do that knockback move.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
Him losing the crown 1/3rd the way into the battle really bothered me, if it was intentional the animation could be improved, but now I'm just nitpicking. other than that I think I covered everything I went through.

For the Devs:
If your goal was to make jelly king more challenging to players I suggest one solution to something new you added on.
Solution: Instead of having the polar polyp in the corners of the map I would suggest to put them in the center area of the map, since most of the fighting in the Jelly King Map is towards the center or the top right or top left corners. This would make players have to worry about the polyp at times since it most likely will be doing a good amount of damage to players if he is not killed right away.

I too went with a newbie loadout, and since there werent people joining I played a duo, and won. And then tried solo and lost, I mixed the loadout a bit while still trying to keep it as newbie as possible, and managed to win, with deaths though. What I realize is that you do need poison, at least on lower numbers of people, not sure how would it go with four. If you do not have constant poison, the huge regeneration makes it impossible to get past even the first stage. However any constant poison source and the battle is doable. I find this okay, that means if you want to solo you have to decide on one item that poisons and that's the only gear you must bring, the rest are as you wish, and on team, everyone can bring whatever works for them, so long as one bring a poison weapon.
The default loadout was Cobalt 3* as armor (since every newbie goes for that), Defender 3* as shield, Calibur 3* as sword, and a Toxic Catalyzer as gun (assuming they went for the easier roarmulus twins first).
I also tried the same armor, but using Toxic Needle as main weapon, only Calibur, and only Dread Venom Striker (due to lack of Vile Striker on my arsenal). I din't try the venom bomb because I don't expect newbies to have that bomb by default.
1. What did you think of the difficulty level?
The battle itself is simple, but outdamaging the king was impossible for me with tier 3 gear. I saw two options that should work I couldn't explore properly with the limited time, and few players. One, to destroy the polyps so that the king cant regenerate feels like what the devs would want, but the fast regeneration didn't look good for me solo, with four people it could work I guess, unless the polyp respawn happens too often on the later stages. The other to keep the king poisoned and damage and dodge as best as I could.
For poisoning all the poison weapons work great, and you can even kill the king with them alone 8after revives usually though, but on party setting they would work much better), except the most commonly used vile striker. This may be more of a suggestion for that specific weapon, but it seems to never poison reliably, so most of the battle the king wasn't poisoned, and as such the battle was unwinnable. It could use a buff in that regard since the only use of that sword is exactly because it can poison enemies, the poison doesn't have to be strong, it has to be constant, it could have a great chance of minor poison on any hit, and strong poison on the last hit of the combo for all I care.
On a group they can bring twelve poison vials, so the need of poison weapons is not a must. But however on all boss fights there is always something on the actual fight that allow you to beat the fight without prior preparation. In this case I see destroying the polyps to be that method, stop the regeneration that way. Assuming it doesn't work out in practice (I hope it does though) I'd suggest to add a poison source on the fight, a poison vial pad for all I care.
2. How many revives did you use?
On the duo I used one I think but had health pills available at the end of the fight. On the solo fights I had lots of revives.
3. What did you like about the level?
I liked despite the mass of things that can hurt you they do very minimal damage, and only the king and the two spiked minions are dangerous.
4. What needs improvement?
If the battle is designed so you need a team and a poison weapon then its fine as it is. I found bugs however, somehow my knight would start sliding on the floor like if its feet were covered in slippery slime, or being pulled by some unknown force, it was completely annoying. The knockback was annoying but if you like it I don't care. To make it possible solo it needs longer respawn rates for the polyps or something to be lowered (healing, minions, whatever just reduce something) or give a free source of poison.
5. Anything else you want to add in?
I like it opens the use of many not so common weapons (poison weapons).

Too lazy to address all the individual question, but the fight would be perfect if the knockback was reduced (assuming it isn't a glitch). In level appropriate gear any damage you manage will be healed off by the time you get back to him when after having been bounced across the room, and especially if you're dealing with latency it can be near impossible to actually deal consistent damage when you're flung away by attacks you visibly avoided. Reduce the knockback and maybe move the polps into the center square to compensate, and it'll be fine.

Fresh from the new RJ, I'll have to agree with the previous posters: The boss battle is OK, as long as you have poison and/or curse with you, except of the random knockbacks. It also seemd a bit laggier, but I'll just assume that the test server is doing also other things at the same time so maybe it wasn't prepared for the influx of players.
The only thing other I'd like to point here is: Respawning Polyps. Please don't put them in the final product. The sheer number of ice cubes, plus the lumbers in the confined spaces of the rooms make the battle challenging enough, if you also have 4+ polyps constantly firing at you, it goes from challenging to impossible.
I can get through current RJP without pierching protection at all right now. I went in Ultimate RJP in full skolver and Aegis and I was constantly dying. In most cases I didn't even had time to use a friggin pill. It would go = stun+freeze, then shield breaks from the second lumber hit (while still frozen) or the cubes that gathered around, and then instant death. Or, = freeze in place = instant death (again). And the third way of horrible death was .
wow. just, wow.
So, I really like the mechanics of the new jelly boss, much more polished than the current one, but it does have a few problems. The main difficulty from this fight doesn't come from the king's attacks, the mini jellies' attack, or the polyps; it comes from randomly getting flung halfway across the arena for no apparent reason. Even when the boss isn't actually doing an attack, I've been sent flying away from it, and considering one of the main mechanics behind this boss is it's regeneration, if I can't get in close to damage it, I'm fighting a losing battle. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if I could tell when/why I was being knocked back, but it seems to just sort of happen. Maybe this was an attempt to make guns/bombs viable in this fight, but it's not working.
Otherwise, I do prefer this revamped version of the boss, just the knockback is a tad ridiculous.