Or maybe he, unlike you, didn't care enough for cosmetic items to waste time.
People kicking me for no reason

I got kicked for idling and badly, it is one depth before Jelly King boss but that's a good reason for getting kicked. :P

I remember my friend and I were running quick from reboot schedule.
We were at the last room before vana, this guy was half health and he had to !@$@# heal. The schedule was 5 minutes I remember. He was even crown hunting the lamps.
In the end he called my friend a noob for dying repeatedly while he hid at the south safe-zone and boasted about his skills for not dying.
This is the kind of person I would kick.
Other reason I will kick someone is:
When a player takes a long time to stand on pads and have to constantly make everyone wait; Time is Money.
When a player purposely avoid engaging enemies to camp for heat from teammates' death.
When a player refuses to drop a pill after dying countless times where his teammates are on low health and request a pill after seeing him picked up one.
When a player keeps on hitting switches after he's been told not to.
When a player defeats the last zombie of a wave in the last room of FSC before Vana even though he was repeatedly warned.
When a player doesn't revive the others when he's the only person alive, playing the "Hero". Not only that, but dies.
When a player breaks the ice of shiver while fighting Vana when his teammates are doing the shiver-blitz formation repeatedly after he's told NOT to.
I think there's a lot more, but it's mostly stupidity and disobey-ance (I'm not sure if this word exists, but you get the point).

I nearly got kicked and am beginning to suspect I have been kicked in the past because I was wearing 0* gear as a costume. Recent event was similar to this manner:
Red guy: Oh god, we're gunna wipe on JK, there's no way we can do this. *looks at me* WTF man, why are you in Spiral Gear, seriously?!
Me: It's a costume.
Red guy: Yeah right, I highly doubt that. We're not going to make it with this group anyways.
Me: It really is a costume.
Red guy: Why would you wear that then?
Me: Because I'm a chick and this armor looks feminine.
Red guy: Yeah sure. Why would you pick that as a costume then? There's better stuff out there and other that'll make you look like a girl.
Me: Because the n00b gear looks cool. ((Debates over whether to make a remark about how seeing someone in lower levels with Spiral Gear obviously makes them rage.))
Red guy: Excuses, excuses.
Group sucked pretty bad too. Said guy invited a guild mate who pretty much crippled us in arena, and he kept dying a lot himself. Did arena and got my Cr, then I left them to enjoy JK by themselves.
Now I just want to wear 0* gear more. :P

I've been kicked before for 'having a lame name'
Complete nonsense if I may say. I am awesome, therefore my name is awesome!
And I never kicked anyone before, but I Have gone solo in the middle of an arena when things were going south. I don't need help to get myself killed.

A person joined with 2* equipment (not costume since the person's full inspect was on) in a FSC run. I assumed it was a friend of the person already in my pug party. I don't mind since I can carry them through FSC but not through the boss. I also welcome heat batteries like that.
This was fine.
The person did decently on their own even though doing meager damage, and also predictably dying a lot (though there were times he apparently knew the upcoming traps in some rooms).
This was fine.
I expressed strong interest that I only wanted to solo Vanaduke, since all of the others in my group was evidently inexperienced in FSC, and a few even pointed out they were not entering the boss depth. Nonetheless, reminded everyone that I was soloing Vanaduke at the end of depth 27.
This was fine.
2* person joined me on FSC depth 28.
This was not fine.

On my new account im tier 2 with 3* stuff and play fsc, but i never get kicked, they just laugh at me. I dont die often as i have been playing sk for over 2 years on my old accounts and know what to do, but i dont do any damage. Im the waterboy at vana xD. You just gotta meet nice people who dont care about your gear, just you as a person.

Some party leaders are crybabies. I got kicked because he died twice and i was too busy fighting monsters and waste a spark on him.
But really, if someone is busy fighting a boss don't beg for a spark if you're dead. And for some reason I'm a spark fountain who has unlimited spark for everyone. GET REAL!

Please. Just ignore this thread. Stinkin' idiot bumpers......

wow, sorry that you feel that way.
I carry 3-5str people with me on elite vanna all the time.
I'd rather have them around then run by myself.
I don't mind carrying people, cause elite vanna is prettty easy to beat.
But anyhow, best thing for you to do is make your own party so you don't have to worry about anyone kicking you :)
keep building yourself up, and you wont have any problems .
Good luck, and have fun !!!!

That feels racist to me :<
@Wez you're right it isn't really a good reason for kicking you, none of them are. Back in the days before the new UI hit i carried 3 1* with me through the whole of vana cuz they needed cr's and there puppies eyes... amg!
I got kicked because the leader didn't want to wait for a gear level for a chance at Punkin King and candy.
This was within the first few hours of the event premiering, maybe he didn't read the patch notes.