Can game admin or someone let me know love puppy will drop love pendant or not for now?
Or we cant get love pendant anymore?
Can game admin or someone let me know love puppy will drop love pendant or not for now?
Or we cant get love pendant anymore?
Love Puppies are amazing, and not because they drop heart pendants. Why do we have to kill them to advance? ):
My friends have killed over 13 love puppies before and haven't gotten a single item. Not even crowns or heat.
Three Rings confirmed for master trolls.
I have seen several Love Puppies, have not gotten a Pendant from them (am not that lucky) have received crowns, heat, and sometimes a material the Gun Puppy line can drop.
I've never seen a Love Puppy period and I've played for the equivalent of 7 full days.
I have seen two Love Puppies and I have 5 days on my in-game clock.
The first one I ever saw, in a Snarbolax level dropped a 1* Heart Pendant.
The second one was in a T3 Arena and dropped a Gold Coin and some Heat.
I've played for 17:08:01:29 and I've only seen 1 love puppy
Maybe I've to find it again to get my 1st love pendant~
Got the first heart pendant in game on 4/07/11 (Tetra Heart) at the Royal Jelly Palace.
Ive seen over a dozen of them since starting during the steam release and nothing but coins and misc mats (mostly scrap metal)
Saw my first love Puppy today. Killed it and what do ya know, no trinket. Darn.
they should be rare drops from them