IGN: Haunt
PST if you have any questions, or would like to inquire about mats.
Payment is accepted in crowns or CE equivalent (market value).
If I craft you something with your mats, it works out like this.
2* = 300 crown tip
3* = 500 crown tip
4* = 1000 crown tip
5* = 3000 crown tip
I can charge you for my mats if you don't have them.
If you have something that requires leveling (say, an Avenger), PM me and we'll work out a cost for me having to level it.
Can craft the following items:
Calibur (2*)
Spur (2*) + Arc Razor (3*)
Brandish (2*) + Iceburst Brandish (3*)
Cutter (2*) + Striker (3*)
Divine Avenger (5*)
Autogun (2*) + Pepperbox (3*) + Fiery Pepperbox (4*)
Blaster + Super Blaster (3*)
Blackhawk (4*)
Wolver Coat (2*) + Dusker Coat (3*)
Gunslinger Sash (3*) + Sunset Duster (4*)
Wolver Cap (2*) + Dusker Cap (3*) + Ashtail Cap (4*)
Gunslinger Hat (3*) + Sunset Stetson (4*)
Defender (2*)
Owlite Shield (2*) + Wise Owlite Shield (4*)
Selling the following recs:
Gunslinger Hat (3*)
Gunslinger Sash (3*)
Owlite Shield (2*)
Updated, 4/12/11