Whatever topics there is about it is lost in the past, so please tell me what the preview button is for. If it's a way to look at basil's recipes before expending any energy to go down to him, let me know.
What exactly is the preview button for with basil?
Sat, 10/15/2011 - 01:14
Sat, 10/15/2011 - 06:23

Sypsy is right, but why
Sypsy is right, but why didn't you just try it?
Sat, 10/15/2011 - 11:36
Oh nevermind, I see what you
Oh nevermind, I see what you mean. I thought it was a marker of some sort for a gate to preview recipes for that gate when you re-enter a gate. I don't know why I thought that was it and I thought it was an update to a topic that complained about not getting the recipe they want from Basil and suggested that they pay some money to fight the risk of rolling with Basil recipes. It's a real old topic, so I don't know if anyone remembers.
For many vendors (especially in the bazaar), you can click preview and click on the various equipment / recipes they offer to see how it will look on your character.
You can even click on your current equipment (bound or unbound) to see whether they would match the other items, no need to re-equip your own items then previewing the vendor's. You cannot preview your learned recipes if you have not crafted that specific item. You cannot preview items in AH.
This is also how people can preview accessories (if you are at that stage in the game) before attaching it to a specific item.