Is spiral knights getting too boring or do you think its AWESOME?
Say what u think
What do you think about Spiral knights
It gonna be decades till it gets as boring and as old as WoW
But I've never played WoW
Cause I aint a gamer
Mechanically it's pretty repetitive, but with the amount of variation that happens with the many types of mobs, levels, equipment and potential tactics, it's quite easy to shake it up a little if looking for something different. So... I think it's pretty darn awesome. Would never reject new content, though.
I think it's pretty good.
The designs are awesome. Maybe on the cutesy chibi side of things, but that's honestly not so bad. In fact, it's a nice change of pace after a while.
Sure, there were times where I felt I was cheated with cheap death(Trojan backing me into a corner, and I can't get out, due to not having a gun to push it back.) but hey, that's my fault for going solo.
Outside of a few troubling players, this game has a pretty awesome community. So the defense against trolls must be doing a great job at weeding them out. :)
Not to mention lockdown is a nice way to kill some time, while your energy charges back up for a bit.
Good things about is
+Its fun and enjoyable plus its mostly built to be played with others.
+I like how it all looks chibi-ish and how everything looks well made
+Its cool that its moderately difficult as the higher gear you get the better the enemies get at fighting you and giving you a little bit of a fair chance to win or lose.
+I like that the updated the guild to make little base for you knight and his friends along with the the city called "haven" the your little knight lives in
+I also like the arena matches cause its the only chance to fight other people in
Bad things were there put in
-Changing the items crafting prices like 200 energy and up to craft 3 star items and up and your maximum amount energy is 100 so you have to buy the rest but you didn't need 200 in beta
-Certain setting likes for certain people it will lag and you cant record it well unless you use FRAPS which it still will slows down in
-The lack of creative updates cause it gets boringly repetitive after a while and nothing new has appeared yet in game and no new types of levels atleast give us something new and I mean creative like new types of missions, and new types of stages like water, snow, climbing, pod skydiving, fight NPC knights like you in a missions stuff like that
-Also there should a story line if there are cut-scenes in the beginning of the game