Last night I managed to get my hands on a Toasty Comm unit, and this morning I finally won my bid on (the only) Toasty Helm-Mounted display on the AH. After nearly a week of looking for the right accessories, I was able to finally equip them on my gunslinger gear.
However, when I tried to put my Helm-Mounted display on my Nameless hat, I'm getting an error saying that I can't have two accessories of the same type?
I've checked for conflicts, and there are none. The Nameless Hat supports a side and a front accessory. The com unit counts as a side accessory, and the display counts as a helm front accessory. Preview also works perfectly fine. Despite this, I'm not allowed to accessorize both of them at the same time. What is going on here? :(
I think it's because they both attach to the helmet on the same side at the same spot, even though like you said the display is a front.