Well I am having trouble with my controls, they are getting a bit difficult to use lol...
I use WASD and the mouse when using my gun, then I switch to arrowkeys and the Z button when with my sword.
Well I am having trouble with my controls, they are getting a bit difficult to use lol...
I use WASD and the mouse when using my gun, then I switch to arrowkeys and the Z button when with my sword.
Well I use WASD, left mouse button as attack and right button as shield and spacebar to switch weapons
well...Uhh... You are not being descriptive enough.
In what way are you having difficulty using your controls?
WASD to move, left click attack, mouse wheel select weapons, shift shield, hold space for lock on (I keep autoaim off).
I haven't bound right click to anything. I don't really have anything else that needs to be on the mouse.
Personally, I used WASD, Left Mouse and X to attack, Right mouse to auto-aim, Ctrl to block, Z and C to cycle weapons. Doesn't matter if I'm using swords, guns or bombs. I don't think its the best, but its something I am quite comfortable with.
Q and E to switch weapons
Left mouse - attack
Right mouse - shield
Auto aim - uncheck
aim - hold shift
There are alot of control schemes you can try, and finding the best for you can be an ordeal, but most people I know generally stick with LMB attack RMB shield or vice-versa. Space works fine for switching weapons at first, but if you ever get some extra weapon slots, Q and E work better for switching to the weapon you want quickly.
W to Follow the Mouse , E to Defend , Space to Switch Weapons , RMB to Attack My Way for using swords .
I use arrow keys with Z and X and spacebar for switching weapons.
In my opinion that's much simpler and doesn't require much energy but I don't really know what suits you.
It's definitely better to use that if you use a laptop. Some people say add a little auto target support too but I don't use auto target.
I don't ever use desktops, I use laptops so that's just how it feels for more and I adapted to it.
Go to the menu and change the controls to the way you want to play, then you won't have to ask other ppl what are good controls.
I've tried probably every type of control setting with this game and the best one I've found was
WASD with your thumb on X to shield. Right mouse click to attack. Scroll to switch weapons
I do that too. :3 It makes using both styles of weaponry easier if you use a different key set for each.
Also don't forget to hold C so you can actually kite while shoot them up.
I use WASD for movement, space to shield, right mouse button is attack, and Q and E are prev/next weapon
when gunning, I use RMB change weapons, LMB attack, space to shield, and WASD to move
WASD and Mouse, also X for shield and space to change weaps
I use left mouse OR WASD to move, right mouse to attack, Q to shield and mouse wheel to change weapons.
I used to gun and sword, but now I'm pure gunner and this set has served me through pretty much the whole game.
Well, that's what I do. I gather it's easier with a mouse, though.