Ultimate Jelly King Feedback!
Sat, 10/15/2011 - 12:46

1. What did you think of the difficulty level?
2. How many revives did you use?
3. What did you like about the level?
4. What needs improvement?
5. Anything else you want to add in?
Sat, 10/15/2011 - 13:38

The black boxes that were in
The black boxes that were in the middle of the room appear in JK and Snarby. I'm pretty sure those are glitches that the devs need to fix before the update goes live.
1. Difficulty Level
Might be a tad bit too hard. The jellies were generally not a problem, but the Lumbers and Polpys were unavoidable at times. If I wasn't solo and thus not the only one with aggro this wouldn't be so bad, I hope :)
2. Revives
Didn't have a lot of time so was doing a fast solo runthrough, thus too many.
For the King only died twice though.
3. Level
So... much... FUN :D Very refreshing to see my favorite boss updated. I can finally have a reason to spam my first, and favorite, 5* weapon - AoA.
There were many OMG WTF moments when I saw what spawned, this kept me on my toes and required a great deal of fast thinking to survive. There were some regenerating pads that made new monsters immediately after the old died. It would be nice if there was a decent delay instead to give some time to clear out more of the room.
The boss fight was ok. I didn't understand the black stuff in the middle, I just stayed in the bottom half of the screen to avoid it. Seems unintuitive and I didn't know you can beat up on the middle to shrink it down. I took my time and played the boss seriously, died twice so I would say it is a good difficulty level. I think the glass blocks make it easier actually. I never found myself getting stuck against a wall while trying to charge a bomb, as I sometimes do in the current RJP.
4. Improvement
Black slow down thing looks really unfinished. I thought my computer was having rendering errors. The first time I didn't even know you could hit it in the middle to reduce the size, I just stayed out of its range.
My primary issue with URJP is that I got hit at times and could not tell from what. The ice minis and the ice projectiles blend in perfectly with the snowy landscape. Can you add a bit of contrast? If I'm running toward something I'm looking off that way and planning my attack, I found myself having to watch my feet instead so that I didn't step on a mini. My peripheral vision just couldn't pick them up.
In the final arena the gate opened but then there were two more waves before everything was dead. Not sure if that was intentional so that the last waves would be optional before heading to the king?
5. Additional Comments
Is the damage going to be half normal? Seems odd for a T3+ depth. Both Polys and Howls were doing Normal/Special damage, usually they are pure Special in T3. Zombies were doing 3 parts Normal and 1 part Shadow. I'm a fan of pure damage, normal damage is so passé.
This is a rather important distinction. If the damage is pure then Dragon Scale will be a viable alternative to Skolver in URJP. Also, Radiant Silvermail will be great for UGWW as an alternative to Skolver or Deadly Virulisk.