I could offer CE, but first could you check out my accessory thread and see if we can do acc for acc? Or acc + CE.
il offer 800 for the "cool vitakit", ign : middle-man ... but i am mostly on forums than the game.
how much for com unit and maybe fancy glasses?
Noted Middle-Man's offer.
@Thexraptor: offer please.
also i would like to place an offer of 800ce on "dusky com unit" as well.
i would like to offer 1500 CE for fancy glasses please. ;3 IGN Yumpoptarts
just a quick qstn, when will offers turn into transaction? also what times are u in game?, im in cali btw.
@Mid: Here is my timezone. I can't just sell stuff right away due to players having diff timezones so everyone will have a chance to see the accessories.
@Yumpop: Noted your offer. Thank you.
850 CE. 900 CE if there is a minimum increase.
aww some one out bidded me, so my new offer is 1k ce on the cool vitakit.
aww again... sad face... new offer on "cool vitakit" is 1200ce.
This is kinda crazy. 2.5k CE
thanks, back at u, vitakit - 3100 ce...
cause the poster didnt put rules on bidding, plus im playing it safe and not putting my self in a spot where i cant put for bids. vitakit - 3600 ce
I'm gonna wait for a buyout price on the vitakit, or at least stop bidding for a bit.
Buyout for Cool Vitakit (none on AH) is 4k CE. If that buyout is not met within 48 hours, I will sell it to the last bidder for the current bid.
wanna sell fancy maedate for 50K cr or 830 CE pm Wrzesin on spiral knights
theres two, one fr u n me :) if its happens.
You selling any cheap accessories?
Some people are trading stuff for only 200ce.
Are you selling anything as low as that?
OK no problem.
But some people are actually selling at 200 ce!
I wonder how they afford to do that.
ATTN to whoever is interested: I'm only selling these for the buyout pricee because I don't login to the game anymore (thus no need to wait for offer wars). Confirm here with your IGN and timezone so I can catch you online.
Good day.
Heavy Pipe SOLD to Bystrik (ingame)!