Ok, i am 20 years of age living in Trinidad.. SO I Have Been Addicted To Facebook, Twitter And Tagged all at the same time... It's been taking control of me, I never do anything else with my free time. I would go on these social sites any chance i get, by a friend, school, home, and even in my workplace. I got in trouble for being on social sites to much at work and also my girlfriend gives me hell because she wonders why i go on these social site all day even when i'm with her i would go online and ignore her, (I Don't blame her, Lucky For Me She Haven't left me yet) ....
I started playing Spiral knights less than a month ago, and guess what........ i haven't checked any of my social sites in about a week, and even when i did i stayed on for about 30 mins most (about 5-10 mins on each site)... I can't explain it but it looks like all those social sites are no longer amusing to me I am no longer interested in it.. i haven't been on mini clips since! and at work i just log in spiral knights to check on my knight and have some fun and chat in haven maybe. Because it's Java and no need to install any large amount of software, and the Spiral knight website is no where on the company's site restriction list.. I am free to go on without anyone ever knowing... My social site addiction is NO MORE Thanks To Spiral Knights!! Can't explain why, it just is.. and i'm not even addicted to spiral knights to say that my social site addiction has been replaced with Spiral Knights addiction! I go on maybe 1hour a day unless i get more time on weekends to explore more in the clockworks.
I go on Facebook now just to say "Hi" to some friends and then off, i spend more time with friends and go out more often, i started gym last week (YES all in about three weeks, my addiction was really really bad)...
The only problem now, is that,.. now when my girlfriend talks i have more time to listen to her,. never realized she talked that much, lol.... Oh well the world can never be perfect... :-)
Thank You Spiral Knights!! :-) Any Thoughts Anyone?
This is Boswick trying to prove he isn't to blame.