just a silly question :P
What if 2 huge love puppies spawned in place of the roarmulous twins?

That would be the most evil diabolical plan ever. You'd be stuck forever, they couldn't be damaged (assuming they are roarmulus sized) and they'd love you until you either starved or ran away back to haven.

If they ever implement that into the game, and you DO kill them, they should give you an achievement: You Monster.

Well we all know what love does to a machine...
They'd wanna F#@! with each other
Sadly they're machines all they can do is s-e-x text
(Avoiding making words appear that kids might see)

That will be Love at 1st Site ejejeje 2 giant Love Puppys Shooting Hearts at you! They will Stop your Characters Heart and Kill him! jejejejje No Questions Ask! That will be Superb!

Considering you would be unable to hurt them... well...
Enjoy the free health and go back to haven with your tale?

A true Roarmulus love puppy would open the gate for you and give you all the tokens he has.
Love Puppies, Y u keel me with your love?
I think I ma rob Bechamel's love puppy and hug it till I runs out of batteries to feed it.
Well, what would happen if a huge Mew Kat spawned in place of a Grimalkin?
What if a giant Soul Jelly spawned in place of the Royal Jelly?
What if Nick spawned in place of Vanaduke? (Omg don't do it.)

I'd probably drop a deuce in my pants.

Kraanx: Not counting the video itself.... that song has one of dumbest lyrics in music history, but at least the melody is catchy in a goofy sort of way. If it wasn't for Robot Unicorn I don't think anyone would even know this song.

The goal would be to kill yourself with the scuttlebots within a time limit, while trying to dodge the huge healing hearts these things would spam all over the place. After finally reaching the sweet, merciful release of death the puppies would self destruct for driving their BFF to suicide, after which you can revive with (mist) energy and claim 3 friendship tokens.
For 5 tokens you get a Heart pendant
For 22 tokens you get a Dual heart pendant
For 33 tokens you get a tri-heart pendant
For 44 tokens you get a Tetra-heart pendant
For 100 tokens you get a True Love Locket
For 170 tokens you get a companion cube costume helmet and the achievement "You Monster" (idea from Quailia)

That is so wrong on so many levels....... MAKE IT SO!!!!

If anything that would make an awesome April fools.

love IMC could also have a different look. lawv evrywere!

What a great idea Silphius has :D
If then, Haven will be overloaded with the pendants, just like other boss items. :O
Yay for 2 huge love puppies ....and HEALING LASERS !!! :3
I LOLLed at #11 - What if Nick spawned in place of Vanaduke?
wonder what damage type will he probably weak to? /haha

If Roarmulus spawned as love puppies, it would feel like this.

You could only take damage from the scuttlebots, while the puppies are so codependent that only love can weaken them (normally all you can do is hurt them), so it will still be the same switch-flicking exercise, but fortunately there isn't annoying laser. There's also nothing to kill the scuttlebots, however. At the end, they should drop a True Love Locket (or 3 or 5, just to be incredibly nice).
What would happen if a soul jelly spawned instead of the Royal Jelly? The background music would be something like this.

"What if Nick spawned in place of Vanaduke?
wonder what damage type will he probably weak to?"
Emotional damage. If during combat you say his game sucks, that his breath smells bad, that Boswick is way more popular and handsome than he is (, etc.) he takes one heart of emotional damage. If you "win" and deplete all his hearts he gets depressed and shuts down the server.

You get Tokens that allow you to unlock Nick's 10th SK secret.

and who are you to say anything about conspiracies, Sunderius? lawl

The Twin Lovers turn into Ultimate Roarmulus Twins when attacked... a lot more lasers, need a lot more damage to kill, and the Scuttlebots are replaced with T3 Retrodes. If I am not mistaken there's an old saying about love and hate being opposite sides of the same coin.

You don't need to add zen feelings and crap to a thread where trolls rule supreme

wouldn't it be scary if in a random glitch, the JK became a mini royal but all of his minion became Jelly Kings?
I don't think I'd want them swarming me...

@Acid-Snow no, it would clearly be this playing if a soul jelly spawned in place of RJ.

Thy should not ever insult my guild master! I will come after you if it happens again..
I'm watching you.. (you is clickable) >.>

I got some binoculars for you, Ranger. Take good care of them, I may or may not have gotten them from the Loveable Twins...

Lol, I was being a smartass... maybe I should've signed that other post "~Newg".
*wanders off to give the Loveable Twins smooches*

You could only take damage from the scuttlebots, while the puppies are so codependent that only love can weaken them (normally all you can do is hurt them), so it will still be the same switch-flicking exercise, but fortunately there isn't annoying laser.
Sure, loveulus can fire lasers. d=

The lovelulus twins will forge the bond between the knights a gremlins. Peace.