me and shadownox were having an argument over the value of bombheads. i said they were useless and selling them for 1 cr would be better than keeping them. he thought that selling them is ridiculous and that you should keep them, since when u wear them, they make u look cool.
what would u do? keep or sell?
Well, it's kinda comparing them to two values:
Looks and Momentary value.
Being the knight who would LOVE to get my 5* gear, I would much rather prefer to sell than to wear. Unfortunately...I'm also the type to believe that they should be worth more than just a crown at the bazaar....I mean, it's a rare item and all, I feel 200 crowns would have been fair.(Or have them not bounded when you win them. That's nice too.)
If you want to look cool(In my opinion, Bombhead masks look kinda lame.), then keep them. If you want to have get something back from it, sell it.