Stun Floors == tons of graphic artifacts and review of levels (I'm lazy)

oh first off, so the stun floors where surrounded by tons of black blocks and they seem to go through the level, this also happened with the person I was playing with. Even after the boss fight while collecting our spoils there was still a black artifact here and there. Me and my mate are both using ATI graphics a 4870x2 and she has a onboard hd3000.
Snarble lvls
They were aight -- definitely tougher.... although the party button rooms were ridiculous. If you want spawning enemies please make them more manageable. The shear swarm of enemies in the tight spaces with traps was too much I think. maybe if we had a party member with knock back bombs and we were doing nothing but supporting him it would be good. all and all I think it was good, but please dial back the party button rooms. oh and there was a howlitzer at the beginning of the first floor that I didn't see any reason why I couldn't shoot it! I pressed F2 a few times to call it out... if that is the design maybe put it in a wall and it doesn't look stupid
jelly lvls
Perfect! super hard but manageable
I've gave feed back on the other two already.... if there was additional changes, and you want feedback on 4 levels you have to have more test time than 3 hours. I have to be at work testing software I get paid to test during the day ^_^... oh on the note of the other levels I heard someone saying that double tokens were given out... and that would be a perfect reward for said levels! but I sure didn't notice them here.... 3 tokens a piece for levels that are harder than the FSC is ridiculous....
final thoughts... over the past few weeks I've played all of the levels and with the exception of the snarble party button rooms I give it a go!
oh and one more thing! I noticed on the jelly areas that if you get frozen. Getting hit by the spike trap don't unfreeze you! Not sure if that is intentional (never been frozen on a trap before), but it was defiantly an eye rolling moment. I think with the number of traps and freezing that shouldn't be right though!