People are have been protesting about some wealthy people getting rich in immoral ways or at the expense of others. Does this happen in SK? Of course it does! Of course, there are scammers who steal ce by not delivering the promised goods, but how about paying too little for something, or selling something for too high a price? At what point does it become wrong versus just good business to buy for as little as possible and sell for as much as you can? (P.S. This was written while waiting for a gate to change for arena. Things we do while waiting for gates to change might be an interesting thread, too.)
Wall Street Protests Spread to Spiral Knights! (not another CE thread!)
Mon, 10/17/2011 - 16:15
Mon, 10/17/2011 - 16:57
Its a thread outside a thread that has been used as a contra-positive for the original thread, but then the thread had comments so the comments from there had to be conversed and is now my and your post, but when you add that pic in your comment now the thread has become a thread that has originated within a thread, but no longer can be a parasite to it so the thread is alone.
Simple, right?
So this is a thread within a thread?