I see your king of jelly and raise you a king of pumpkins.
Boo! (Upcoming Halloween Content)

> I see your king of jelly and raise you a king of pumpkins.
No, no, it's Punkin King. You will see. <.<

Hopefully we won't be punned to death...hopefully.

He's going to be a king of bad jokes?

Said bad jokes will do massive damage... to your morale.

You have to go to a special level in the clockworks called the Punkin Patch and sit and wait with your blanket all night until all your friends lose faith in you. The Great Punkin exists I swear!
...I got a rock...
Edit: No one gets my joke. I really did get a rock.

So the festival will be about how far we can chunk him? :P

It is pretty obvious that alien humanoids on an alien planet celebrate Halloween.

how about something to get things started.... like a scary story
just scroll down and read

@Katmint: O_O I...That...that is the most...it's BEAUTIFUL. WHERE HAS THAT BEEN ALL MY LIFE.
I also need that "I do dumb things" t-shirt. To give to, um, a friend.

That'll be $26.60 +Shipping and handling.

The Punkin King is perfectly capable of chunkin himself all over the place. His gourdlings are a bit less agile.

1: Don't make it temporary.
2: Oh please god give us tokens to trade for awesome Halloween gear.
3: Please don't just replace Jelly King with Punkin for a week and make the fight exactly the same except with Pumpkins instead of Slimes.

When does this come out? I plan on crafting new armor tomorrow...

@Madadder OMFG my heart stop a beat! that was terrifying, god dan man i was watch a walk though of amnesia at the same time, i i'm now never sleeping again =,(
why oh why did i scroll though that link!
i think i need a new pair of pants never do that again.........

nothing but the best laugh in response to that

I...expected a comic strip but...omg im litterally shivering right now O_O
It wasn't the face, it was the...noise and...
Expect a bit of trolling to follow you in the near future. EDIT for my emote: ):C
@ Eurydice
Going to look at the chunking punkin again soidon't freak out in my dreams tonight :)

Hmm.. something tells me that if I want to sleep tonight I shouldn't look at that comic.

So obviously from the comments here, I can say that the "Punkin" is a pumpkin/gourd hybrid that is apparently the king of something. The fight is the knights trapped behind a barrier(one that you can attack over) while the Punkin is telling really bad jokes (like the ones you get from laffy taffies), each time he tells a bad joke, you take damage unless you throw enough tomatoes in time to make him rage on you where he gets close where you can attack him. Repeat and finally make him feel so bad he is small enough to pick up. Chunk him against a wall and watch as the contents spill out (mmm....yummy :P).

I shoulda never read that.........................
...............Talk not being able to sleep..............I just shouldn't think about it.

I guess it's a good thing I crafted a wolver coat with medium
resistence to puns.
I'm looking forward to this.

wut.........(stands on bed with baseball bat and flashlight in hand)
so glad i didnt see that with sound the first time

my god... that was cool! how did u get her to zoom up so fast like that? i wonder if people really saw her...

Remember the first time the girl saw zombie MJ in the video..?
Of course there are no pumpkins but still.

Madadder's comic reminds me of the carnival that always came to my home town as a young child and the delightful caramelized corns they always served for some queer reason.

I went to Madadder's link, with full volume.....
I'm gonna have nightmares for DAYS.
Onto the actual subject, this seems fun enough.

@Madadder - http://youtu.be/AvTgLTrTfqE (same link)
@everyone else
Mark Hamill Joker will always be my favorite Joker. Thats right... Luke Skywalker is one of the greatest bad guys of all time!!
Granted he may not be the scariest Joker of all time, but when I was kid he was just creepy as hell for a cartoon villain. And everyone who watched Batman the Animated series through the 90s knows that laugh.
Interview with the show's crew about the Joker.

And since we're on the subject of creepy.
Mark Hamill
M ark Ham ill
ark Ham

Hope it'll be an exclusive boss, as much as we need new tier 3 content having some 'event' bosses would be pretty nice, plus it'd add some more genuinely rare gear. That being said it would need to be avaliable for at least a whole week, would be pretty awful if it was only on halloween itself.
On another note, Undead, Fiend or some whole new class?

Sure hope it's not just a RJ reskin.

Holiday events are always fun. Between this and that haunted sorority house, and whatever Valve comes up with this year, I think I'll be entertained for a while.
I want to hate you for that, but it it was too perfect. The art and the noise and the oh$&#*runawayrunaway$&#*itschasingmecloseitcloseitclosecloseit.
And since I too much of a coward to ever click that link again, I have to ask. Is there anything after that, or does it go down, as well?

I'm so tempted to click on that link.. but something tells me not too. Something like oh my gosh I am gonna have nightmares for the rest of my life..
thank goodness I haven't clicked it. (YET)

I'm expecting some entertaining puns, don't let me down!

I was the Great Pumpking, before he was cool.
Also, please have an orange candy pail as a helmet. I would love you forever. <3
EDIT: I feel really naked without my 222... :(

In light of this great dischord about the shadow keys, I am bumping this to remind people that other content is coming out too..
Perhaps OOO's upcoming patch is larger than you think.

This ain't an Undead Boss is it?
I was designing one with a bull skull of a head and a cape.

I only read towards the part where the lady twists her head to the girl but what happens next? I'm too chicken to find out and I better hope no one pregnant women or illed people find this link, it scared the bejeepers out of me; it was a sick yet disturbing joke

...That was really........... can not unseeeee...
/scared forever
Anyways, I'm looking forward to fighting this royal punkin.

if u got to that part then the scary part is done the girl just points the ghost away and runs away (naturally scared out of her mind)

really? you're not pulling me into another trap or anything? Anyway who created that sick comic animation, it reminds me of those old Sarah Fincher book video posts of Skeleton Creek that were supposed to be scary, and one video, it played a bloody face up close in a quick frame.... still can't get over that comic, and I guess the moral of the story is that when you see a lady limping like that, run like crazy or at least next time, don't go out in the day.

WELL I TRIED TO SKIM TO THE END... It got me again, but I thought the only scary part was when the lady twists her head, but when the lady rushes toward her so fast, that freaked me out! I hated that story...imagine the ghostbusters facing that woman, that would freak anyone out, even the old game of the ghostbusters wasn't as freaky as that comic, I can't stop talking about it... shivers**********

*hugs Diamondos* Its ok..... But whatever you do, don't open any of these links.
Consider yourself lucky I couldn't find that pic with the dragon hand puppet with the yellow eyes (that one just freaks me out).
And for the intellectuals, have some Candle Cove

#28, I meant the comic, not the joker laugh, I laughed at that video
I'm a bit late to respond now, but whatever....

um Starlinvf why the links, I'm not clicking them but are you trying to tempt ppl? very sneaky
@mad adder don't u ever do that again scared the s*** out of me although I was kinda expecting the bloody face although the second floe up is even worse trust me my friends never ever open that link seriously I think I'm gonna have nightmares
No silly, those are Punkins, not pumpkins!
I'm sort of wondering how they plan to implement this, if Punkin King is a boss or something. Temporary bosses are pretty silly usually, but if it's not temporary there's no charm to it.
Regardless, I think I'll enjoy those festive masks.