Permanent Weapon and Trinket Slot Items

18 replies [Last post]
Eons's picture

As you know, currently you have to buy weapon and trinket slots monthly. My suggestion is that you should be able to buy a permanent versions of these for around 10-12 times the regular CE cost. If a customer plays consistently for more than a full year they will break even and then benefit, but otherwise Three Rings will make money off these item. Adding these items will reward your most loyal players and possibly add revenue from players who buy them but don't stick around.

Madadder's picture
o boy... trinket/ weapon

o boy... trinket/ weapon slots are an important CE sink in SK outside the elevator cost and crafting

i wouldnt mind it so much if there were more equally useful sink to replace it otherwise no


I actually had this exact same idea, with the same pricing and everything, though I never posted it... And as a response to Madadder, they aren't that huge of a sink. New players would still buy the cheaper versions, and as stated these would only reduce CE spent for people who play for a year+. There are plenty of other sinks with rage crafting, elevator fees, revives, the newly added keys, and regular crafting.

Madadder's picture

keys arent important most people wont buy them unless to resell, revivals are viable but only to an extent, with the extinction of most of the 1* items with a 3*+ path it is only appealing to so many, because of the high risk

Have you seen the AH

I realize this is just hype at the release, but do you realize that for every accessory in the game, at least 650 CE had to be spent? A lot of the trinket/weapon slots that come into the game are bought with mist on alt accounts, paying only 150 CE for a weapon slot, and 50 CE for a trinket slot. There are a LOT of accessories out there already, and keys will continue to be bought.

Negimasonic's picture
Needs to be at least two

Needs to be at least two years worth of a cost, if not something like 5. You do want this game to be around for a long time right? 2 years worth would be 7500 for one weapon slot (and mind you this is permanent) so that's a pretty good deal since so many CE packs give you at least that much. And before you ask, this price is well beyond my budget lol

Though I'm kind of fine with the current system (especially since I can't afford the permanent version I suggested :D)

Starlinvf's picture
At 7500, your spending $20

At 7500, your spending $20 upfront for a single upgrade. Thats kind of a huge investment for just one small aspect of the game.

Xi-Mi-Oi's picture

I'd be willing to spend 3,750 CE for each permanent slot (thereby making it about $10 per slot versus $20 - and over time you may be willing to spend $40 to get all of the slots opened permanently).
Considering what I've read here, simply having the option to do this will bring more revenue into OOO's bank because I know at least a few people would be more than willing to do this. Beyond that, a simple birthday or Christmas gift, which everyone gets at some point, would cover the cost - and birthdays happen quite often when you have THIS many players. ;)

It does depend on the user's interest, but once it's been paid for, it's done and you've got the slot; no refunds.

Grittle's picture
how about only spending a max

how about only spending a max of 1 trinket and 1 weapon perma slot, the other slot will have to be bought monthly

Antistone's picture

Check your math. 7500 energy amortized over 2 years is 308.2 energy per 30 days (assumed: 1 year = 365 days = 12.167 periods of 30 days). A 30-day weapon slot currently costs 250 energy, which is rather less than that.

But don't forget mist! The market value of a weapon slot upgrade is only around 200 crystal energy (I've seen lower), because people buy them for 150ce + 100 mist and resell them. You still can't spend more than 100 mist on a single permanent upgrade, I would assume. At 200 ce per upgrade, you can keep one weapon slot open for 2 years for ~4867 ce. So if you want to price a permanent slot at the equivalent of two years' worth of temporary slots, you should set the price around 4900 energy, not 7500. If you want to set the price equivalent to one year's worth of upgrades, maybe 2500 energy.

The market value of a trinket slot upgrade is around 100 ce (roughly half a weapon slot). So the two-year equivalent price would be around 2500 energy, and the one-year equivalent price would be around 1250.

And that's before considering that offering permanent slots will probably drive down the market price of 30-day slots, because demand will be reduced while supply will stay roughly constant (people looking to convert mist into ce aren't going to be reselling a lot of permanent upgrades). So if your goal is to make them attractive to rational players who figure they will get N years use out of them, you'd need to set the prices even lower. OOO presumably have statistics for the average mist/ce split when purchasing upgrades, but we don't.

As for how many years you should use for comparison, you'd probably want to look up some statistics for player retention rates in MMOs. Even if the game survives for 5 years or more, I'm sure the average player sticks around a much shorter time. You'd also have to take into account the fact that players who play a long time will be more likely to buy permanent slots, of course. And the fact that money now is worth more than money in the future.

I can see advantages to getting players to buy permanent upgrades for more than they might realistically spend on temporaries.

I can also see disadvantages to having reviewers calculate the cost of buying the maximum number of permanent upgrade slots and comparing that to the retail prices of other games, which is unfair but would still totally happen.

Negimasonic's picture
lol at 2 am I miight have

lol at 2 am I miight have been making up numbers but still, good enough...howeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever with the future update if these Shadow Keys aren't made permanent (or at least on a similar 30 day format) then I'd doubt they'll ever put any thought into this idea.

Plaguerider's picture
How about we make Trinket and

How about we make Trinket and weapon slots using a lot of materials and smaller amounts of CE?

Psykoglory's picture
How do you convert mist into

How do you convert mist into ce? The best way?

Schattentag's picture


First of all, why the heck did you post in this thread? Second, there's no way to convert mist energy into CE.


Wait, I lied. The best way is to know, play the game.


I'd be good with 7500. That certainly is about two years worth of weapon slots, and look at it like this: Little freebie games, people get tired of after about 6-9 months. If the people paying this much are standard players, you're up 15+ months of slots. The fact that they've put that much money will actually hold some players longer, so you'd actually get more money from them. And if a player has been in game for two years, then you've certainly gotten your money's worth out of them.

It's still a major CE sink, but it's also an attractive reason to STAY with the game.

Falminar's picture

Why did you bump this thread?


+1 to the idea anyways.

Fangel's picture

Yeah there are plenty of posts out here more recent. This is an old and obsolete thread since mist is gone.

Personally I'm of the thoughts that we should have slots on more of a subscription model, such as slots that last 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, and 365 days. Each one higher costs more overall, but if you were to buy monthly (30 day slots) instead it'll cost more. 90 days would be 5% off, 180 10% off, and 365 15% off. This would allow the 30 slot upgrades to still be worth it to a player who bought 365 day slots, as they extend their slots even further.

You could give them a naming scheme, such as to not mess up old boxes and whatnot. 30 day wouldn't have anything before it (Trinket slot upgrade, Weapon slot upgrade). 90 day slots would have a prefix of "Extended" (Extended Trinket slot upgrade). 180 days would have the prefix of "Enhanced" (Enhanced Weapon slot upgrade). 365 days would have the prefix of "Perfected"

Descriptions for these slot upgrades would describe how many days are in the slot, and when you use it it will tell you when it will expire. These name changes could then be applied to heat amplifiers, which could also reflect their lengths.

Additionally, a new, shorter version of weapon/trinket slots could be purchased. "Imperfect" slots could be added, and could last 5 days, but cost 15% more than standard 30-day slots if you purchased them only for the entire month. (Trinket slots would cost 29 energy, weapon slots 48 energy... Or rounded up to 30 and 50 if you want higher percentages there). These slots could be given away in mission rewards and as little bonuses all over the place to let people try using the slots more often, which will in turn, likely make more slots be purchased.

I agree

It wouldn’t take away from grey havens earnings and the fact that permanent upgrades don’t exist for weapon and trinket slots make the game less fun

Orangeo's picture
2011... 2015... 2020...

Well, I wasn't the one who necro'd.

Letting players at least get ONE permanent third slot would probably be profitable. There are likely a lot of people like me who will never pay for a temporary item, but would pay ten times the price or more for something that stays forever. People with stockpiled temp slots can still use them for their 4th one if they would like to buy the permanent option for the third, so the change shouldn't hurt anyone or require any reimbursement.

Envelop calculations:

Right players with slots drain 250e a month per slot they have. If you sell a permanent slot for say, even just 2500, you get effectively 10 months in advance from them. And, if there are at least equally as many people like them as there are like me (who ONLY want permanent slots), you get 10 months of pay you otherwise be missing out on to boot. And more likely, there are more people like me than there are like them; just take a look at how few people have more than two slots. Not many. But, assuming it's just 50/50 and that you're just 20 months in advance for no longer getting the 250e monthly drain on that slot, this setup should be safe for at least 20 months time or more.

Next let's assume you have a steady income of new players. Not even necessarily a net increase: just new players coming in, even if there are also players going. If you get one new player every 10 months to buy a permanent slot, that fully compensates for having lost a 250e drain from a slot-renting player; one permanent slot being bought every 10 months, per renter lost from the change, lets you break even. Any more and you're making more profit. That seems like a REALLY safe bet. Maybe not for the 4th slot, but having 3 is a pretty big upgrade most people would want if a permanent option were available.