cuando voy a jugar Spiral Knights mi pc se congela y luego se crashea todo se pone a 4 bits y la resolucion cambia a 800 x 600... yo e visto personas con peor computadora que esta y les sirve sin lag y sin crash... aki el info de mi pc
Procesador: prentium(R) Dual-core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz
Memoria: 2038mb RAM
Version de directx 9.0c 4.09.0000.0904 (no creo q eso sea nesesario)
Targeta Grafica: Intel(R) G33/G31 Express chipset family
Fabricante: Intel Corporation
Modo de Present: 1280 x 960 (32 bits) (60GHz)
control principal: igxprd32.dll
Version: 6.14.0010.4990 (ingles)
Con log. WHQL : no disponible
VDD pequeño: igxpmp32.sys
VDD: no disponible
Version de DDI: 9 o Superior
BIOS: Default System Bios
EDIT: busco y busco y no encuentro lel driver de la tarjeta D: ayuda.. ni en intel.. no me sirve me anda en el mismo rollo, o sera por que no sean esas?
ahora el Projectx.txt (por si es necesario)
2011/07/05 19:57:58:500 INFO H$a.a: Logging to 'C:\Documents and Settings\bryan\Application Data\spiral\projectx.log'.
2011/07/05 19:58:05:125 INFO H$a.a: Connecting [, port=47624]
2011/07/05 19:58:06:156 INFO H$a.a: Datagram connection established [port=47624]
2011/07/05 19:58:11:515 INFO H$a.a: Moving at request of server [zoneId=16777217, sceneId=3]
2011/07/05 19:58:12:390 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=portal, object=[actor=null, location=[]]]
2011/07/05 19:58:12:390 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=scene_id, object=[actor=null, location=[]]]
2011/07/05 19:58:12:390 INFO H$a.a: Issuing zoned moveTo(1:1, 3, 40).
2011/07/05 19:58:12:718 INFO H$a.a: Connecting [host=/, port=47627]
2011/07/05 19:58:13:390 INFO H$a.a: Datagram connection established [port=47627]
2011/07/05 19:58:13:843 INFO H$a.a: Issuing zoned moveTo(1:1, 3, 40).
2011/07/05 19:58:14:390 INFO H$a.a: Updating outgoing message throttle [msgsPerSec=15]
2011/07/05 19:58:39:265 WARNING H$a.a: Long invoker unit [unit=News Reader (class, time=3937ms].
2011/07/05 19:59:10:781 INFO H$a.a: Connecting [host=/, port=47624]
2011/07/05 19:59:11:312 INFO H$a.a: Datagram connection established [port=47624]
2011/07/05 19:59:11:437 INFO H$a.a: Issuing zoned moveTo(2:0, 1073744211, 0).
2011/07/05 19:59:12:281 INFO H$a.a: Updating outgoing message throttle [msgsPerSec=45]
2011/07/05 19:59:12:656 INFO H$a.a: Got updated scene model [placeId=9380, config=[type=data.LevelSceneConfig, agx=null], scene=1073744211/%dungeon:m.wolver_den_shock/1]
2011/07/05 19:59:12:812 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=size, object=[]]
2011/07/05 19:59:12:812 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=target, object=[]]
2011/07/05 19:59:12:828 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=shape, object=[expansion=0.0]]
2011/07/05 19:59:12:828 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=shape, object=[expansion=0.0, location=[]]]
2011/07/05 19:59:12:984 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=target, object=[]]
2011/07/05 19:59:12:984 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=size, object=[]]
2011/07/05 19:59:16:046 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=shape, object=[expansion=0.0, location=[]]]
2011/07/05 19:59:16:500 WARNING ad.isLoggable: Previous message repeated 2 times.
2011/07/05 19:59:16:500 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=translation, object=[actor=null, location=[]]]
2011/07/05 19:59:16:937 WARNING ad.isLoggable: Previous message repeated 1 times.
2011/07/05 19:59:16:937 WARNING H$a.a: Failed to find property. [name=shape, object=[expansion=0.0, location=[]]]
por lo menos quisiera tener asi el juego
almenos con esa grafica me encantaria ya que mi pc podria correrla y no tener mas freeze ni crash
tienes 2.6 Ghz, 2Gb de RAM.
pero, estas usando los gráficos integrados del sistema ._. que son 64Mb.
ocupas una tarjeta gráfica para tener una aceleración en el juego
estoy seguro que cuando ejecutas el juego va muy lento.