I'm wondering if anyone has much experience with five star guns since beta ended. I suspect the wiki is woefully outdated in this area.
I'm most interested in the distinctions between the Callahan and the Iron Slug. Specifically...
- The wiki suggests the IS has increased range over the magnus line it builds off of. Is this true? Does the Callahan?
- The wiki says the IS has "Splash damage". So does the magnus and mega magnus. Is it larger? If so, how much?
- The wiki suggests the IS no longer stuns off the normal attacks. That true?
- How does the damage compare between them on piercing neutral mobs (undead and gremlins)?
Other than that, do the 5* alchemers still not gain any additional ricochets from their 4* variant? The flavor text on the hail driver suggests it does, but in beta I heard it didn't...
If it only gains damage, any idea how much (on a percentage basis)? Thanks.
I tried the Hail Driver during the last moments of the preview, and it did not have any additional ricochets.