Three Rings: You've made me sad :(
The ***OFFICIAL*** thread to tell OOO how sad they've made you!!!

this is going to be a popular topic
yep didn't mind the lockbox/silver key patch, but this???
nope, now i don't even WANT to put my money into the game... yes OOO this is going to blow up in your face (thx for pulling the curtain on your good game was. fun as long as it lasted)

Maybe a popular topic for trolls to come in and say how good they feel themselves for "loving" OOO's ideas.
But I'm not one of them, SK, Y U NO NICE ;_;

i really planned to stay playing this game ...

They have made me so happy. At least, with lockdown etc.
Oh wait, we aren't talking about that. I just don't play those new levels. Maybe once for fun.

I love it how people are now calling their threads "OFFICIAL" :P Adding stars on each side of the word also makes it more so >.>
Anyways, not sad, just disappointed. I don't see how this will help them in the long run. They could have saved this extra hard content for when they opened the core. They should have just added a new devilite t3 boss like has been suggested so many times in the forums :/ That would have made everyone the exact opposite of sad :D

i dont know about you guys but i have been looking forwards to this update ever since it was announced
the new style of bosses and the new gear is just gonna be amazing how bout this if you really like spiral knights you would be all for any new content because if you truly love something then you will continue to love it I know I love it. I <3 OOO
if you are not for this update remember if you want to play the content then earn your crowns and buy some energy for your lockboxes and keys if not then completely ignore this update its not like its changing previous content!
BTW the Snarbalax coat is the best looking armor in the game in my opinion and i creamed myself when i saw it!

It made me sad but I guess I will respond with my wallet. I won't be spending cash to play SK anymore until they do something to fix this.
I am disappointed, I'll certainly play a lot less, and it certainly will not be a game I will recommend to anyone.

o good at least OOO's mugs won't go empty theres plenty of tears to go around
people are posing empty threats with their wallets just like 5/17... predictable
I'm sort of sad because I was really looking forward to the update. And I'm torn between: "not being able to see the new content" and "not wanting to see the new content". Spending the ce I already have to actually see the new content isn't even really in the race at the moment. I'm not sure if I'd join for free.
My ce were about to run out... the only reason why I still spent some on lockboxes / accessories was that I thought: "Well, it's about time I buy CE and support the game again anyway... there's been some neat stuff". Now after this update that's out of the question. I practically *cant* spend money on ce, because I'd have to take a shower afterwards and it is entirely possible that I'd drown before I'd feel "clean".

what truly infuriates me is not the whole unfairness of the key system, but how the devs are covering their ears and shutting their eyes to the issue, I can forgive bad moves and mistakes, what I can't take is not owning up to them and admitting that something is wrong, the least they could do is at least ACKNOWLEDGE THAT PEOPLE ARE UNHAPPY instead of carrying on like everything is fine and dandy.
Hey, don't be unfair.
There was a reaction from Nick!
Nick Popvich says:
"Oof. So happy to final ship this latest patch. It was a lot of work!"
Wuuuuzaaaaaaa Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... keep cool Klotz....

OOO is just currently consumed by greed they got money from lock boxes so they thought maybe we can trick these suckers into paying us even more and actually not get anything worth while out of it.

Aren't we just paying for lockboxes and silver keys with crowns and crystal energy? Games are just games. Super fun to play. So what if you can pay to have crowns or CE with real life money? It dosen't mean you have to do it. Just "grind" for crowns and stop whining over this.

I do not see what is wrong with the update? I like it. Is it one of those we can't afford it things again?

the content is fairly inaccessible and the reward for completing the said content borderlines mediocrity.
i like the punkins though. that part of the update i can stand behind.

I'm NOT tier 3, and I don't plan to get there for quite a while.
I'm STILL depressed by this update. It just doesn't seem fair to charge so much for a chance to get in to a super-hard level. Multiple times.
There goes ANY chance OOO had of me dropping some money on this game.

Meh, I'll just wait this out, no harm in just not doing it. I'm mostly just curious to see what might be changed.

I will join the sad club for not being able to see the new content.

Apathy = a fancy word for "yawn"
I'll join Bladestorm and sit back and watch the drama happen.
They made me cry :,(